
I have a bet with a family member … last winter he swore silver would stabilize at $30 AND gold at $2500 by July 1st. I said it would be closer the election … silver seems to be trying to do its part and gold ain’t to far behind.
More worried about what this means for the dollar than my "investment".
anyone who views silver futures (or any futures for that matter) as an "investment" is a bald faced idiot, if you are not engaged in a business which produces (like mining) or utilizes (jewelry, photovoltaic cells, etc) the commodity. Futures are speculative, not investments. If someone wants an investment in silver, buy physical, or buy some stock like PAAS or an ETF like SILJ.
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anyone who views silver futures (or any futures for that matter) as an "investment" is a bald faced idiot, if you are not engaged in a business which produces (like mining) or utilizes (jewelry, photovoltaic cells, etc) the commodity. Futures are speculative, not investments. If someone wants an investment in silver, buy physical, or buy some stock like PAAS or an ETF like SILJ.
I only "stack". The only stocks I own are in my 401k.
I only "stack". The only stocks I own are in my 401k.
You are probably wiser than me. I do aggressively stack, and have for years (I cashed out my IRAs in early 2000s and AGGRESSIVELY stacked silver and gold during the years I had an insurance brokerage). HOWEVER, I love them buzzers and bells and sparklers and the thrill of winning on trades :) . I think if there were not other mitigating factors at play in my person, I would likely be sitting in some church basement on Thursday evenings at a Gambler's Anonymous meeting. Fortunately I don't place sports bets or go to casinos. I could easily see myself losing everything to compulsive gambling habits. As it is, the markets HAVE made me some $$ over the years, but the cost to my soul (be on your guard against every form of greed, even when you have an abundance, your life does not consist in possessions.... etc etc) has been high. Lots of tension in my family.

I suppose everything has a price, even good things. I no longer try to figure it out. I will say that I figured out a few years ago that I trade PRIMARILY to avoid financial uncertainty, and I don't think this is a proper goal for someone who professes a belief system like mine. The second reason is even worse, which is I want people to think I am a hot shot and flaunt my "success." I am happy to say that both of those noxious weeds have been trampled back a bit, so that I can enjoy good calls and the pleasure of seeing them work out.

On the other hand, a man who simply makes good long term plans like yourself is probably less bothered with much of the foolishness that has plagued me over the years.


I wish I could "aggressively stack". I think I missed my chance for that. But I have some. I started prepping maybe 6 or so years ago. I was able to see our dollar being stripped of its value. I keep cash on hand, but only keep what I need to pay the bills in the bank. Everything else I "have" is physical. Silver and gold are just one of the many physical assets I have. I told my wife if things somehow get back to normal after 2025, then we'll go back to living a regular life, saving and thinking about retirement. I would have loved to have built wealth. But, right now I have a lot of things with very real world value to hand down to my kids. Things like land, guns, ammo for a long time, silver, etc. Things that will always be valuable with whatever the currency is.
IIRC, the last time silver was this high the Hunt brothers ended up doing some time.
The Hunt brothers were patsies. They caught a wave, and simply did what any person who ever trades does. They saw a trend and rode it. The feds made that a crime, because they had some substantial assets they piled into it. Whoopdedooo
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Unless there’s a paired event to lock it in high I think silver will come back down. The highs are higher and the lows may never be as low as before but I think there will be time still to pick up sub $30 silver.
Walmart? For real? Please link me.
Learn something every day, it seems.
I'm not a precious metals guy but my neighbor said he buys from Costco he said that they have deals everyday. Also if you have a cash back card you can sometimes get it under spot. Walmart sometimes try's to collect tax.
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silver is nothing if not V-O-L-A-T-I-L-E, so you are probably right. I am trading in and out between 30 and 29.5, while keeping a core long futures. I never ever ever sell any physical till silver hits at least 50 dollars, and even that will only be to collect cash and buy more on a pullback. The silver miners I hold I just hold, although I do turn my PAAS position into covered calls when I think we are spiking.
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