Who else can't stay asleep at night?


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Jun 22, 2018
Willow Spring
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Almost every night between two and four, I'm awake for at least an hour, sometimes two. I have no problem falling asleep, I just can't stay that way. If I take a nightime Tylenol or a shot of Nyquil before bed I will still wake up but go back to sleep. I tried serotonin but would wake up sweating profusely, so I gave up on that. I follow the advice of no caffeine in the evening, don't use electronics before bed, etc but still the issue. I am exhausted during the day and cranky but usually the next night, same thing.

Any remedies thst work for you?
It’s been really bad for the last 4 nights, frickin’ hospital staff keep waking me up every four hours. Cursed gall bladder’s in the trash now.
I frequently wake up ~4, then go back to sleep after a bit.
If you’re not aware, caffeine has a 12 hour 1/2 life. Meaning, if you have 100mg at noon, you still have 50mg in your system at midnight.
Don’t have any sugars (including white bread, rice, etc) 4 hours before going to sleep. It inhibits your body in making teatosterone.
I tried serotonin but would wake up sweating profusely, so I gave up on that
Serotonin or melatonin? The latter is what I sometimes take. You can also try valerian root.

This happens to me on occasion, but not regularly. I do find Tylenol takes the edge off and I can go back to sleep. Also try to keep my mind clear of thoughts and just relax.
Serotonin or melatonin? The latter is what I sometimes take. You can also try valerian root.

This happens to me on occasion, but not regularly. I do find Tylenol takes the edge off and I can go back to sleep. Also try to keep my mind clear of thoughts and just relax.
Melatonin. I didn't know about the caffeine half life. I usually have a diet Pepsi in the afternoon.
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I don’t have trouble falling asleep. I’m usually in bed before 8, out by 9. I just wake up a lot. A lot. Usually to pee. If I’m desperate and it’s been bad for a few days I’ll take a benedryl. It helps a little bit most times. This is a good night:
IMG_4509.pngAnd this was a couple days ago:
IMG_4510.pngI’ve tried melatonin, but it seems to really help only in getting to sleep and not so much staying asleep. I don’t think I have apnea, but I’ve not been tested. Usually after a few bad nights I’ll eventually have a solid night and only wake a time or three.
I don't sleep good at night, I toss and turn, roll around all night, but, for most of my adult life, I've either worked nights or 24s, where we are up and down all night.
Like @rufrdr , I'm usually awake between 2 and 4AM. I tried the melatonin gummies and I woke up every few minutes. Some bourbon or scotch seems to help, though.
I can’t sleep either. Im I. Bed every night between 9-10 fall asleep quick, then awake between 1-3am probably 45 minutes then back asleep till 5:30 alarm. Also the littlest thing will wake me up anymore.
It sucks because when I was younger I could sleep through anything and straight through 10 hours or more. 🤣
@rufrdr, I suffered from the same condition until I had a sleep study done and got a CPAP. Did the sleep study because snoring bothered my wife, but found out I really did need the CPAP. Takes a little time to get used to it and find the right mask, but now I love the thing and actually look forward to putting it on. Turn that bad boy on and it’s lights out. A side benefit (?) is I began having long, very interesting dreams…
Yup. I have issues sleeping mostly because my aches and pains wake me up. I take Gabapentin before bed and I can sleep through. If I forget I'll be up in 2 hours.
Pretty similar to a lot of others. If I am in bed at 10:00, I am up at 12:30 am, then again around 4:00 am and then up again between 5:30 and 6:00.
I try to limit caffeine after 2:00 every day (it used to not be an issue at all).
Occasionally I will take a shot of ZQuill if I feel like I need a good nights rest.
Almost every night between two and four, I'm awake for at least an hour, sometimes two. I have no problem falling asleep, I just can't stay that way. If I take a nightime Tylenol or a shot of Nyquil before bed I will still wake up but go back to sleep. I tried serotonin but would wake up sweating profusely, so I gave up on that. I follow the advice of no caffeine in the evening, don't use electronics before bed, etc but still the issue. I am exhausted during the day and cranky but usually the next night, same thing.

Any remedies thst work for you?
See a doctor and tell him/her. They will most likely order a sleep study. I did that in the past and the doctor told me that in 8 hours I did not get one single hour of REM sleep. He ordered a CPAP. Man that thing was rough at first. It felt like an octopus wrapped around my face but I toughed it out. I figured I was not sleeping anyway so I could just fight the octopus all night. A change from a full face mask to a nasal mask called DreamWare and it made a world of difference. Now I cannot sleep without and even travel with it. A CPAP is the best thing for my sleep ever
It seems only two things help me sleep through the night; alcohol and physical exhaustion.

I try to limit both.

I enjoy some type of alcoholic beverage just about every night but when I say limit it, I'm not trying to get black out drunk every night just so I can sleep. I figure that's not good for me.

I don't like to be physically exhausted because that means I've done something physical and I'm exhausted.

My wife thinks I have sleep apnea because I'm either snoring or not breathing (her words).

That does remind me of a funny encounter with a nurse during a wellness visit. She had put one of those things on my finger that checks your O2 sat and after several seconds it hadn't registered anything. She tapped it with her finger and then looked and me and asked, "Are you breathing?"

Turns out I wasn't. I apologized then started breathing. It showed some numbers after that. We both chuckled.

I think it was only a coincidence, though.
NyQuil will make someone sleepy but it will burn off and then its back to original issue keeping one from restful sleep. NyQuil has a side effect of drowsiness but does not have a focal of sleep. Sleep apnea is the main cause according to doctors of this. Smoking cigarettes aggravates breathing issues and multiplies the effects of sleep apnea, if that is a factor
It seems only two things help me sleep through the night; alcohol and physical exhaustion.

Same here.

I hate sleeping, if I could go a week or month at a time with no sleep (short of using meth) I would. My mind runs 100mph all the time, can’t shut it off. Most nights less than 5 hours of sleep, Work days I’m up almost every hour looking at the clock.
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Same here.

I hate sleeping, if I could go a week or month at a time with no sleep (and no meth) I would. My mind runs 100mph all the time, can’t shut it off. Most nights less than 5 hours of sleep, Work// days I’m up almost every hour looking at the clock.
Not to be condescending or mean but man you should seek medical help. I am confused as to where you say you would go a month without meth you would do that? What you are describing is called Runaway Thoughts and is a symptom of meth usage. It seems it could also be a case of chronic anxiety as well. In either case seek help because insanity,depression and suicidal thoughts are all effects of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is a tool used in torture and brainwashing. I repeat I am not being hateful or mean to you . If I misunderstand what you are saying I apologize in advance.
Thanks for the replies. If it is sleep apnea, I should go back to sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night, which I do, unless it is in that 4 a.m. (or sometimes earlier) zone. My father complained of the same issue when he got into his 70s and it only got worse for him as he aged.
Not to be condescending or mean but man you should seek medical help. I am confused as to where you say you would go a month without meth you would do that? What you are describing is called Runaway Thoughts and is a symptom of meth usage. It seems it could also be a case of chronic anxiety as well. In either case seek help because insanity,depression and suicidal thoughts are all effects of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is a tool used in torture and brainwashing. I repeat I am not being hateful or mean to you . If I misunderstand what you are saying I apologize in advance.

I don’t use meth. 😂

I just don’t like sleeping. If there was a way to run 24hrs a day with no sleep I’d do it. Perhaps I should have said “short of using meth” instead.

I promise I’m ok, I know nothing about the Clinton’s and I’m not suicidal. 😂

Post edited in an effort to keep the crank bugs away.
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I have found my people...... You can almost set a clock by me. 4am is my time. Mind racing. Some times about a legit subject, sometimes I'm suspecting from a dream. Stressful times make it worse.

This week has been especially bad, a lot of "stuff" going on.

I didn't start drinking until 40 years old and its because of this issue.I drink two cups of coffee in the morning and no other caffine.

Otherwise exactly as @rufr describes.
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I don't sleep well at all.

Trouble getting to sleep. Trouble staying asleep.

I have sleep apnea but using a CPAP just didn't seem to help. I stuck with it for over a year. My sleep quality never improved nor did my quality of life. It just felt like such a huge nuisance to continue with the CPAP without any noticeable gains. I eventually just stopped using it.

Half of a cyclobenzaprine will knock me out but I don't feel well rested at all when I wake up. Melatonin helps me get to sleep but I become dependant on it really quickly. If I use either as a sleep aid I try to keep it temporary. Too much of either or taking them too close to bed time makes me wake up with a truly miserable headache the next day. I'm assuming they make my apnea worse which causes the headache.

Not being able to sleep well paired with chronic back pain just down right sucks. I toss and turn in my sleep and end up hurting my back. Then I wake up in so much pain that I can't get comfortable. When that happens the chance of getting back to sleep is usually zero.

I kick around the idea of giving the CPAP another try but it's just so demoralizing to stick with it only to not improve my quality of life. I know that I probably should give it another go.

Don't even get me started on those damn foot and leg cramps!
The world today is an anxious place. From a moral and spiritual standpoint the world as a whole is at a very low place. I totally realize this site is not a place to preach, but let me say this to help. I pray each night before I sleep. Sometimes its a pointed prayer for subjects on my mind. Sometimes I am too tired to focus on a subject so at that time I say a prayer I was taught as a child before closing my eyes to sleep. It seems to work. Yes I have sleep apnea which a CPAP has greatly helped but I also know that a CPAP does not fix worries, concerns and anxiety. It is possible to stay awake with a mask on your face all night worrying. With that said I also realize I greatly depend on a higher power which I call God. If something worries me when I lay down I pray for peace and sleep and guess what....it works. We have come to a world where mankind as a majority believes that mankind is the highest power in the universe. Look how well that is working for us. I guess my point is that when there are things you do not control then turn it over to a higher power. If you don't have a higher power then here we are trying to fix it ourselves. That does not seem to be working too well
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I’m the same. Even on CPAP. In my case, borderline type 2 diabetes, my pancreas creates seratonin at that time causing by liver to spike my glucose, and there I am awake. The problem is mostly alleviated by eliminating carbs and caffeine after 6pm and moderate exercise a couple hours before going to bed at 11.

Dr. ordered a scan for pancreas cancer just to be sure, insurance wasn’t happy but eventually they paid.
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I’m the same. Even on CPAP. In my case, borderline type 2 diabetes, my pancreas creates seratonin at that time causing by liver to spike my glucose, and there I am awake. The problem is mostly alleviated by eliminating carbs and caffeine after 6pm and moderate exercise a couple hours before going to bed at 11.

Dr. ordered a scan for pancreas cancer just to be sure, insurance wasn’t happy but eventually they paid.
I had some similar issues. Borderline type 2. I've been low carb, zero sugar since 2015. Hasn't seemed to change anything.
I had some similar issues. Borderline type 2. I've been low carb, zero sugar since 2015. Hasn't seemed to change anything.
It doesn’t seem to have changed anything, but if you hadn’t done it you’d probably be using insulin by now, the tinnitus would be driving you nuts and you’d need blue pills for that kind of fun. Try adding exercise is all I got.
Not to be condescending or mean but man you should seek medical help. I am confused as to where you say you would go a month without meth you would do that? What you are describing is called Runaway Thoughts and is a symptom of meth usage. It seems it could also be a case of chronic anxiety as well. In either case seek help because insanity,depression and suicidal thoughts are all effects of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is a tool used in torture and brainwashing. I repeat I am not being hateful or mean to you . If I misunderstand what you are saying I apologize in advance.
Jesus….dude was clearly joking.
I had some similar issues. Borderline type 2. I've been low carb, zero sugar since 2015. Hasn't seemed to change anything.
I have a
Jesus….dude was clearly joking.
I think he said that later and clarified it but thank anyway from the unnecessary echo from the back of the room. It was a genuine respectful question and not insulting but I get it we have become the United States of Offended and everyone is offended they just have to figure out what offends them each day. That search results often in an weak attempt to jump on a cause unnecessarily.
With all said here let me share what my sleep doctor told me several years ago. Lack of enough quality sleep is one of the major factors that contributes to major health issues. Our bodies do necessary maintenance while we sleep. The major organ the brain does physical and mental maintenance while we sleep. He shared with me that sleep deprivation whether it be proper sleep stage or enough hours along with proper blood o2 are two major factors all of which contribute to many other conditions and diseases. I was reading where one person here was tested for pancreatic cancer. That is awesome and sounds like a good doctor was treating them. I lost a brother in law in 1999 to pancreatic cancer. I can remember the couple of years leading up to his diagnosis as we traveled together hunting and shooting around the country. He could not sleep a full night. We used to call him the Energizer Bunny cause he would want to wake everyone at 430am after staying up until midnight. He would sit down also to eat a meal and have to stop eating to go to the bathroom a couple of times before finishing. Hope this may help someone knowing this info.
I have a

I think he said that later and clarified it but thank anyway from the unnecessary echo from the back of the room. It was a genuine respectful question and not insulting but I get it we have become the United States of Offended and everyone is offended they just have to figure out what offends them each day. That search results often in an weak attempt to jump on a cause unnecessarily.

Certainly not offended was honestly just blown away that someone could read what was clearly (even before the edit..) a joke and think they needed help for meth addiction…

I have a feeling you are the type who takes anything anyone says literally…I imagine it’s difficult going through life like that, is that why you stay home Danny?
You could try inositol/myo-inositol, Apeginin, and/or magnesium supplements.

One thing about magnesium, there are multiple kinds and you might have to experiment with what helps.

Might be worth a watch if you have time. Be warned, Huberman is great but is a college professor and goes deep on some of this stuff. I started using the stuff above after listening to his stuff.

I feel really badly for all the folks here expressing problems with their sleeping. Having been there, I know, it's awful.

Was able to fix it, myself, after some time, not insignificant effort, and with a bit of help.

My 'avatar' picture hints at the aftermath of one such sleep-deprived episode. Wasn't immediately funny; is now.

And, not to be too opportunistic, I do have a CPAP machine listed in the BST...
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