Who else can't stay asleep at night?

CBD can really help with sleep. You just need a fairly high dosage. They also sell CBD gummies with other “additives” that can help too. These are completely legal but could be against company policy, depending on where you work and if they test for those kind of things.

If that’s not an option for you, diet and exercise can help too.
I wake up at 3 every night
Awake forever then doze in and out till getting up time
@rufrdr, I suffered from the same condition until I had a sleep study done and got a CPAP. Did the sleep study because snoring bothered my wife, but found out I really did need the CPAP. Takes a little time to get used to it and find the right mask, but now I love the thing and actually look forward to putting it on. Turn that bad boy on and it’s lights out. A side benefit (?) is I began having long, very interesting dreams…
As a fellow married man, sometimes dreams are all we have…
Certainly not offended was honestly just blown away that someone could read what was clearly (even before the edit..) a joke and think they needed help for meth addiction…

I have a feeling you are the type who takes anything anyone says literally…I imagine it’s difficult going through life like that, is that why you stay home Danny?
I think you are the type that prejudges people without asking questions. I asked a question and you made an assumption. I have a preapology in case I misunderstood but you ran like a squirrel from a Bobcat to find a soapbox to climb up on and virtue signal unnecessarily. It was clear to you but not everyone else. You see you take people well meaning dialogue and try to turn it into something negative. The one who posted it laughed at it. He explained it. He did not take it wrong but you did and that makes you just another virtue signaller. My name says what it does because I worked hard, invested well and planned and prepared so that I could and did retire early, therefore I stay home. Now its time for you to go on to your next Facebook style virtue signal while I find out where this site that is new to me hides the ignore button....carry on
I think you are the type that prejudges people without asking questions. I asked a question and you made an assumption. I have a preapology in case I misunderstood but you ran like a squirrel from a Bobcat to find a soapbox to climb up on and virtue signal unnecessarily. It was clear to you but not everyone else. You see you take people well meaning dialogue and try to turn it into something negative. The one who posted it laughed at it. He explained it. He did not take it wrong but you did and that makes you just another virtue signaller. My name says what it does because I worked hard, invested well and planned and prepared so that I could and did retire early, therefore I stay home. Now its time for you to go on to your next Facebook style virtue signal while I find out where this site that is new to me hides the ignore button....carry on
Here ya go, let me help you out….

Late to this thead but it seems to be a common problem with everyone I know and we are all 60-75 yrs old. Most all of us diabetic too. I sleep better when its about 62 degrees in the house and under a heavy comforter. I have trouble staying awake till 10. No way 11. I sleep 4 hrs and wake up to pee and have a lot of trouble going back to sleep usually. If I get up, i'm awake for a cpl hrs and then sometimes can go back to sleep. The other common problem me and my peers have is indigestion and sometimes gastric reflux. Getting old is a bitch. I take a generic Ambien every now and then. Get 6 hrs sleep if im lucky. If I travel, I take one every night but after about the 3rd or 4th night it doesnt work. Had a bitch of a cold starting at Thanksgiving. Only way I could sleep was the Ambien and it worked great for 3 or 4 nights. A lot of folks talk about waking up and not being able to turn their brain off. I try repeating SLEEP in my head over and over and that sometimes works.
I went through a period several years ago where I was getting what seemed like 3-4 hours a night for months. I'd fall asleep fine, then wake up fully alert about 30 minutes later and then toss and turn until 2 or 3 AM. Luckily that slowly because less and less frequent and now I'm more or less back to normal. I still have a night here and there, but I have no idea what triggers it. I recently gave a talk in front of hundreds of strangers, easily the most nerve wracking thing I've done in years and I slept like a baby the night before. 🤔
Alcohol metabolization takes energy your body doesnt have while sleeping, and will wake you up to get the blood pumping.

Almost every night between two and four, I'm awake for at least an hour, sometimes two. I have no problem falling asleep, I just can't stay that way. If I take a nightime Tylenol or a shot of Nyquil before bed I will still wake up but go back to sleep
Same here and im only about 45yo...
CBD/CBN are very helpful. Ive tried everything from Tylenol Motin p.m., valerian root, melatonin.. etc.
Also try to keep my mind clear of thoughts and just relax
Im the opposite, if i have a fun side project or something to plan or design, i sleep better than if nothing is going on.
CBD can really help with sleep. You just need a fairly high dosage. They also sell CBD gummies with other “additives” that can help too. These are completely legal but could be against company policy, depending on where you work and if they test for those kind of things.

If that’s not an option for you, diet and exercise can help too.
This is the way.
Last night, went to bed. Woke up a few hours later. Just started to fall asleep twice and both times the damned dog started doing this "whoop whoop whoop" bark that is very annoying. The ultrasonic "stop barking" device cut it short but woke me up both times. Tossed and turned, got up, took Tylenol. That let me sleep but made for a round of dreams, mostly scary ones.
Last night, went to bed. Woke up a few hours later. Just started to fall asleep twice and both times the damned dog started doing this "whoop whoop whoop" bark that is very annoying. The ultrasonic "stop barking" device cut it short but woke me up both times. Tossed and turned, got up, took Tylenol. That let me sleep but made for a round of dreams, mostly scary ones.

My dogs do that mess in their sleep. My pit will full on howl in his sleep. It is the most bone chilling sound I’ve ever had waken me from a slumber. Like a muffled air raid siren mixed with a scream.

Scared the hell out of the wife and I the first time he did it.
Years ago our dogs slept in our bedroom but I finally banished them because of sleep interruption for me. They'd scratch in the night while leaning against the bed and shake me awake or wander around the room snuffling and sniffing. No more dogs in the bedroom at night for us.
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Sleep? Who needs it. Sleep and sweet dreams are for the weak. I'll have plenty of time for that type nonsense when I'm on the low side of the dirt 🤣 but seriously cbd can work great if it has the right terpens to mellow and relax. Some can give you an energy boost which you wouldn't want while trying to sleep. Look for cbd that's high in myrcene which is a key terpene for relaxation.
Off topic but related... do you guys remember your dreams at all? I might remember a sliver here and there a couple times a month, but that's about it. It seems like such a shame to not remember anything from a third of your life.
Off topic but related... do you guys remember your dreams at all? I might remember a sliver here and there a couple times a month, but that's about it. It seems like such a shame to not remember anything from a third of your life.
Many of mine I'd like to forget. But that's me.
I have read that back in colonial times, pre industrial revolution, it was common to get up for a while and socialize and then go back to bed.

"You've stolen all the blankets again!!! "
Off topic but related... do you guys remember your dreams at all? I might remember a sliver here and there a couple times a month, but that's about it. It seems like such a shame to not remember anything from a third of your life.
I’ve got a couple of whoppers that I managed to remember long enough to get to the computer and write them down. No I’m not posting them 😜
I have OSA and cant use that stupid mask and machine, before anyone suggests, I have tried it, every type of mask there is.

I am pushing to try Inspire, but new doctor and older sleep test, I am slowly working through getting body parts repaired to get pain free first, and lose weight before trying to get re evaluated.

My goal this coming year is to get back down to 170 from 205, and get in better general shape, now that I have gotten my ulnar nerve fixed.
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I've struggled with sleep for my entire life. I remember being 8 or 9 years old sitting up in the living room by myself in the dark at 1AM unable to sleep knowing I had to be up in 5 hours to get ready for school. It has never changed much since that time.

About 10 yrs ago I was at my GP doc and she asked how I was doing. My answer was "Today: exhausted. I struggle with sleep and get only 4-5 hours a night for 4 or 5 days, then I'm so exhausted I finally sleep for 8 hours. This repeats forever" .

She ended up giving me prescription sleep meds which I've taken since, as she mentioned that the cycle I was in was really bad for my physical health (to say nothing of my mental health, such as it is). It has helped but not cured a lifetime of chronic insomnia.

Edit: I have never remembered dreams more than once or twice a year. Don't know if this is related to insomnia or not.
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I’ve got a couple of whoppers that I managed to remember long enough to get to the computer and write them down. No I’m not posting them 😜
Dear penthouse....

Sounds like my crazy dream I recounted once one of the prior forums.

I had a dream that there were two beautiful women and I was laying on the bed getting ready for a threesome. They were naked kissing all over me and one started licking my face. I was hard like a 16 year old seeing his hot teacher naked. One gets on top of me and starts to have an orgasm. Next thing I know it's like a boiling water right on my chest where she was sitting pinning my arms down. I remember feeling like I couldn't breathe the air was on fire in my chest. Then as I was able to breath in air again I wake up to the puppy my wife had bought the week before licking my face and he had pissed square in the middle of my chest.
Little fella was trying to wake me up but I was in a deep slumber.

Yep crazy but I take drugs to sleep, I have never slept well. My thyroid dr 10 years ago told me I wasn't sleeping well enough with ambien alone so she had me take Benadryl and melatonin with it. So when I'm out it take a lot to wake me.
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For a while I was having really great dreams. I knew I was dreaming but I just went with it — it was better than real life! I hated to wake up and go back to the real world. Couldn’t wait to get back to bed the next night to see what adventures would await. It seems to have stopped now; I still sleep well but the fantastic dreams have abated. Wish I knew what brought them on.
"You've stolen all the blankets again!!! "
The key to a long marriage.....

There are two actually:

1) Separate bank accounts (that's one for another thread)
2) Separate blankets. I have mine, she has hers. Otherwise I'd be cold all the time because she wraps herself up like a damned burrito within an hour of falling asleep.
The key to a long marriage.....

There are two actually:

1) Separate bank accounts (that's one for another thread)
2) Separate blankets. I have mine, she has hers. Otherwise I'd be cold all the time because she wraps herself up like a damned burrito within an hour of falling asleep.

Agree on both.

My wife will cinch up the blanket then roll , neatly spooling all the blankets off me.
I’m 36 and I wake up frequently throughout the night mainly because I drink a ton of water.

As I am a firm believer in getting a good mattress and pillow. Me and my wife went a few years ago and tried out a bunch of mattresses and settled on a Stearns and Foster. I buy a new pillow at least once a year. My sleep greatly improved when I was fitted for a pillow
I used to sleep like the dead through everything. Not for the past 6 years. My neuropathy in my hands/feet wakes me up around 4 every day.

I've found I need absolute darkness in the room. A dimly lit room won't work and I'd be awake every 30 minutes.

I use the breathe right nose straps that open up your nasal airways using a spring and a piece of tape over the center of your nose.

If I snore my wife will push me. That wakes me. Sometimes the guest room is better ...so I send her there. When she's gone I do sleep more continuously.

I've tried melatonin. Gave me vivid dreams that wierded me out and woke me up. Tried cbd, works ok, still up at 4.
My "normal" is dinner before 6. Bed around 8 or 9. Not usually much later.

I'm usually out quick. I'll often wake up within the 1st two hours, usually because I'm hot. Then I'm good until anywhere between 1 and 4. Up to pee and then right back to sleep.

Usually up around 5. Might be 430, might be 6. I don't set an alarm clock.

Caffeine is pretty much limited to morning pot of coffee. Rest of the day is just water or occasional iced tea.

My wife says I snore. I've woken myself up snoring.

She blames her lack of sleep on me. Of course, if I'm away for work and she can't sleep, it's still somehow my fault
Off topic but related... do you guys remember your dreams at all? I might remember a sliver here and there a couple times a month, but that's about it. It seems like such a shame to not remember anything from a third of your life.
Oftentimes, yes, at least for a while. I remember parts of the ones I had last night at the moment, but not with the clarity I had earlier when I could have written them down. The frequency and pattern also seems to be tied time of year and phase of the moon. From fall to spring around the new or full moon are the most intense, especially when the moon shines brightly through the bedroom window and right on to me.
That would cure not being able to feel sleepy at 11 PM wouldn't it?

You would think.

My sleepiness comes in spells.

I have days where I drive 4 hours and I'll nod off at red lights on my hour/hourandhalf commute on the way home. Get home and get a second wind to get done all the other real life shit, sit down on the porch and nod off. Get up to make or eat supper then nod off. Nine or ten rolls around and the head circus starts and I won't be asleep until midnight.

I know the older folks here have all sorts of other reasons sleep is difficult, but I've found I need a good balance in my life to sleep well. A sedentary job that is mentally exhausting will leave your body restless. A physically demanding job that requires about 12 active brain cells will leave your mind racing at bedtime. Working and driving in Charlotte will leave you lying awake at night fantasizing about Pacific Rim monsters destroying that Godforsaken shithole.
I am a raving insomniac.

Can't fall asleep, stay asleep or feel sleepy until later in the afternoon when it catches up with me.

No snoring, remember my dreams (when sleeping); doc has me on a couple of Rx's for decades that have definitely helped. But, I need to pull an all nighter... it is a breeze.

Daughter is the same way.. works good in a college environment; not so much when you are older.
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