Soylent Green already in the food supply chain?

So, are we eating babies, or what?

#climatechange #stolemychildhood
I just threaten to eat the neighbors.
They tend to leave me alone after they find out my deep seated and disturbing barbecuing proclivities.
key word: people.
you can't miss someone if you never met them.
i would be all for using convicted murderers and rapists for this though.

So the standard is if nobody will miss them, that makes it not wrong? How about those unstained by any sin, or were they not people?
So the standard is if nobody will miss them, that makes it not wrong? How about those unstained by any sin, or were they not people?
sin is a matter of religious bias and perception. just because you believe something, doesn't mean it exists.
sin is a matter of religious bias and perception. just because you believe something, doesn't mean it exists.

So morality boils down to nothing more than does it put me ahead? That is not civilization, just situational ethics at its finest, a polite way of saying the rationalization of whatever I want no matter who gets hurt. Or killed as it may be.

And that you don't believe in something doesn't prove it doesn't exist. That would be circular reasoning.

(Just don't tell the Flat Earth Society.)
So let's talk about HEK-293 then. That's obviously the problem but what exactly is the problem? Where they came from, what they are, or how they are used? Then we can go from there.

1) Where they came from: HEK 293 cells were generated in 1973 by transfection of cultures of normal human embryonic kidney cells with sheared adenovirus 5 DNA in Alex van der Eb's laboratory in Leiden, the Netherlands. The cells were obtained from a single, apparently healthy, legally aborted fetus under Dutch law; the identity of the parent and the reason for the abortion are unknown.

2) What they are: Human embryonic kidney 293 cells, also often referred to as HEK 293, HEK-293, 293 cells, or less precisely as HEK cells, are a specific cell line originally derived from human embryonic kidney cells grown in tissue culture. HEK 293 cells have been widely used in cell biology research for many years, because of their reliable growth and propensity for transfection. They are also used by the biotechnology industry to produce therapeutic proteins and viruses for gene therapy.

3) How they are used (in this case): [Senomyx] appears to be engineering HEK cells to function like the taste-receptor cells we have in our mouth. This way, Senomyx can test millions of substances to see if they work as different types of taste enhancers without subjecting human volunteers to endless taste tests.

EDIT: Simply put I think it's probably the "ew" factor that accompanies dead babies so this is likely just another abortion thread. That being said... the "ew" factor has also been applied to people donating their bodies to science forever... so are we going to say all those donations were bad too? Or only the fetal ones?

Have adults donating their bodies to science made the world a better place or worse? Medically speaking they have probably saved countless lives or made them better... but in other ways, maybe weapons testing, they have arguably helped end some too.

Or what about taking tendons and ligaments from cadavers? Corneas? They have helped a great many people and I'm sure HEK-293 has as well... but I keep coming to the conclusion it's the fetus' lack of consent that makes it different.

Tnx. back to you later on this. Long work weekend here.
OK, let's change the subject to a recent proposal to use live humans as replacements for crash test dummies. We should get more valid test data.

We won't use consenting adults, rather we'll just randomly select people. That makes it more representative. Plus, it's more fair. Of course those implementing the program would be exempted, as would those who conceived the idea and those who support it.

It's a shame that their families will miss them. Maybe we can restrict the test subjects to the homeless. Yeah, that dehumanizes them better than calling them people, especially if we convince ourselves that if nobody wants them, their lives have no real value. Plus, dehumanizing them makes it easier to sleep at night.

Anybody opposed to safer automobiles with the added benefit of alleviating the homeless problem is just a speed bump on the road to progress. And the ones saying we put dead people in cars are just liars. They aren't really people either.
Use Representatives as replacements for crash test dummies?

Yes! Democrat or Republican doesn't matter; we can start with the US Congress and work down through the state legislatures. And include Senators - we would not want them to feel left out simply because they had a different title.
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Use Representatives as replacements for crash test dummies?

Yes! Democrat or Republican doesn't matter; we can start with the US Congress and work down through the state legislatures. And include Senators - we would not want them to feel left out simply because they had a different title.

The only issue I see with this is how will you determine if the test crash caused brain damage?
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