And It Continues - Rioting in Portland Spreads to Residential Areas as Woman Confronted at Her Home

Lady reminds me of a kid in High School one grade ahead of me. He kept a picture of Hitler in his wallet, threw parties on his (Hitler’s) birthday, and flew a giant Nazi flag on his car during senior parade. The last one got him expelled from school and they told him he wouldn’t graduate. His family filed a lawsuit, surprisingly on freedom of religion grounds and the school quickly settled for him writing an apology letter that was published in the local newspaper.
You know, alot of folks are instantly on the bandwagon of calling her a Nazi, a Moron, an Idiot, a Racist. Remember, the Confederate Naval Jack was hijacked by folks like the KKK and White Supremacist groups, and people just associate that piece of cloth with pure hatred, while a ton of folks will tell you in a heartbeat, most of the folks on here I bet, that it ain't no racist thing, that piece of cloth represents Southern Pride and Heritage.
Maybe she is into Hinduism, Jainism. Maybe she is from Mongolia, or Nepal. To he Eurasions that piece of cloth on her arm is a symbol of divinity and spirituality, a sign of peace. Hitler and the Nazis hijacked that piece of cloth for their own Nefarious ideals, made it a symbol of hate.

Don't jump to conclusions all you Southern Pride folks, respect her Mesopotamian Pride. Let her Svastika fly.

While the swastika was used for centuries, millennia before Hitler and the Nazi regime, you cant front like she didnt copy the armbands designed by AH - the red background with white circle as an armband. Come on brother.

Now, was what she did illegal? No, not at all. But we know she wasnt trying to show off her Hindu faith on this one

Dudes went hands on with her, they vandalized her home, really needs to be something done about this. They will continue this
We need to remember that there is a reason that Soros-backed shell organizations bought all those DA and AG elections in the past few years: "Justice" will be protection for those helping with the Communist Overthrow and a railroading for those who dare resist it.
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