body guard backpack

In the 1990's I traveled to/from NYC w/soft body armor panels in my Jansport backback and had some in my briefcase, depending on my assignment. This might be much better, but I didn't catch the price.

Also, it seems you'd have to train yourself to deploy your vest before you drew your firearm.......hmmmmm.
Depends on the scenario. from a strictly self defense standpoint it does not make much sense. As pointed out earlier you have to choose between drawing your pistol and deploying this. You also have to choose between deploying this and seeking cover or simply making distance between you and the threat.
If you are LE and need to “get in the fight “ This makes a bit more sense but you still loose precious seconds deploying it.
Makes sense for little kids with backpacks at school during a lockdown.

My daughter had a piece of kevlar in her backpack. She knew how to use it as a shield while attacking the eyes of a BG with a sharp pencil.
So I see this mostly as a defensive tool. You hear gunshots go off somewhere in your general direction you whip out your plate first. Then fight or flee as needed, I suppose. I don't think this makes sense if somebody is directly shooting at you already.
I've got a pistol rated soft panel in my get home bag I keep in my car. It's not intended to be deployed like this is. If I'm running away it gets worn on my back like a backpack. If I'm approaching a possible threat I know I need to clear I can wear the bag up front. If this had been available when I was putting that bag together I might have gone this route.

I dislike the slightly tactical look this deployable type has. I'm thinking it may draw fire just based upon appearance in an active scene.
Why not? Looks pretty standard

360 minus plates

looks like putting a soft plate in a regular backpack is much less expensive.

looks like putting a soft plate in a regular backpack is much less expensive.
Looks odd to implement
And curious what it'd weigh with plates in
I say that last part because kids (some) already have a lot they carry as it is (chromebook + charger + papers + whatever else they have)
$87 for a 10x12 plus $20 for a cheap backpack is much cheaper than a $360 fancy backpack with no plates and WAY cheaper than a laptop! lol…
OH I was saying the backpack was expensive and odd looking to put into action, not the adding of plates to a normal pack
If we had them as a kid we would shoot eachother with BB guns,
We shot each other with BB guns anyway.

On the pack, I find it a bit gimmicky and don't know if it's really practical. And there's the additoinal weight and bulk. How long before it gets left behind in favor of lighter handier packs? I mean, if you're going to carry armor, then why not just wear it? There's a lot not covered and what about the people around you? As mentioned, I'd rather drop a plate in the hydration slot in a regular pack. You could always turn the back around an wear it on the front.
We shot each other with BB guns anyway.

On the pack, I find it a bit gimmicky and don't know if it's really practical. And there's the additoinal weight and bulk. How long before it gets left behind in favor of lighter handier packs? I mean, if you're going to carry armor, then why not just wear it? There's a lot not covered and what about the people around you? As mentioned, I'd rather drop a plate in the hydration slot in a regular pack. You could always turn the back around an wear it on the front.
Loved me some BB Gun Wars!!!!!!
I learned a lot about trajectory and there are conditions that make it almost impossible to be hit, even if you can see your opponent. :)
You make a good point of getting hit or not. How many steps can you get away from the threat in the time it takes to deploy the vest/backpack.
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