Camo pattern for north central NC

I always try to keep a few different patterns so I can adapt to the changes in season and the specific stand locations. Also, in N,C. you may need some much more breathable material for turkey and early season hunting in the 80's.
Hunting ducks and turkeys is the only time I really concern myself with camo. I wear a leafy Bug Tamer jacket when I turkey hunt. Avoiding direct sunlight, having your outline broken up, and moving slowly will do way more than any camo pattern. Guys spending hundreds of dollars in matching camo only to top it off with a blaze orange hat makes me giggle.
If you can not do Mossy Oak then go natural. Just like our ancestors. It worked for them, they did not starve, and I can prove it, we are here.

Dang man, I know this is North Carolina and all, but it still gets cold. You are hard core.

Of course it worked better for our ancestors cause they were tanned in areas beyond just their forearms and face.

Most that go the natural route today are going to spook the wildlife.

And the neighborhood.
I am a fan of the kryptecc transitional. It seems odd but it does well especially during green up and when transitioning to fall and all through summer. It can be less than ideal in winter though.
Years ago I hung several camo shirts in the woods behind my house to see which one looked the best.
I had Mossy Oak, Reeltree, MultiCam, Treebark, and Surplus Military Woodland.
To my surprise, the one that blended in the best was the Woodland.
They were all well worn and washed multiple times.
My experience is that the Military Woodland surplus wears better and fades way less than any commercial camo I have used.
Years ago I hung several camo shirts in the woods behind my house to see which one looked the best.
I had Mossy Oak, Reeltree, MultiCam, Treebark, and Surplus Military Woodland.
To my surprise, the one that blended in the best was the Woodland.
They were all well worn and washed multiple times.
My experience is that the Military Woodland surplus wears better and fades way less than any commercial camo I have used.
Good to know.
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