Commie Christmas Spirit on display

Has there ever been as unpopular Prez that won‘t be impeached? This is an unbelievable situation. Even Carter had much more support that this. What. Sh*t show.
Has there ever been as unpopular Prez that won‘t be impeached? This is an unbelievable situation. Even Carter had much more support that this. What. Sh*t show.
My thought is they proceed until they think they are at rock bottom. Biden has a medical issue that “leaves him impaired”. Harris takes over with nowhere to go but up so she does not look equally incompetent while metrics improve slightly.
My thought is they proceed until they think they are at rock bottom. Biden has a medical issue that “leaves him impaired”. Harris takes over with nowhere to go but up so she does not look equally incompetent while metrics improve slightly.

Harris has lower ratings than Slow Joe so that solves nothing. Some weird crap is likely to happen. Have no clue what.
Hope the weird crap is extremely weird and final. As in what happens when you through a rat into a roaring blast furnace final💁‍♂️
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