Geneology research

My mother was a war time baby so I never met my real grandfather and the one I knew as grandpa was a dick. Every time we would come over he would go to his bedroom. He never in the 20+ years He was alive in my life talked to me more than hey. Then when he died I heard stories of how compassionate he was to the grandkids and was super confused.
Remember one thing Millie. Biology means nothing. My brothers daughter is not his biological daughter. But when she got married he walked her down the aisle and her bio dad sat in the second row.
I agree!
However, all my life I've wanted to know where I came from, and when I got breast cancer I thought it would be a good enough reason for a judge in Va. to let the records loose, and it was.
The first time I skyped with one of my biological brothers, I almost cried because it was the first time in my whole life I had looked at a face and recognized mine in it! We even laugh alike! My brother I grew up with, who is in every way that counts my brother, has daughters who look like him and my sister-in-law. I never knew what that was like, till a few years ago.
My family that adopted me is my family for ever...but it's nice to know the bio-family is out there too, and really close to where I used to live!
I agree!
However, all my life I've wanted to know where I came from, and when I got breast cancer I thought it would be a good enough reason for a judge in Va. to let the records loose, and it was.
The first time I skyped with one of my biological brothers, I almost cried because it was the first time in my whole life I had looked at a face and recognized mine in it! We even laugh alike! My brother I grew up with, who is in every way that counts my brother, has daughters who look like him and my sister-in-law. I never knew what that was like, till a few years ago.
My family that adopted me is my family for ever...but it's nice to know the bio-family is out there too, and really close to where I used to live!

Nothing at all with discovering who you are or at least.where you came from. Biology doesn't really define who you are.
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