Grass pollen this year

Yep. I stepped outside this morning to a beautiful pleasant day. Birds singing, sun shining, blue sky, light breeze - perfect in every way except the microscopic razor blades in the air.
I feel ya, my allergies have gotten so bad I’m wearing a n95 mask doing yard work. Seems to help a bit.
I’m cooking on the grill tonight. The smoke will be a welcome relief.

Sort of like deliberately hitting your thumb with a hammer after stubbing your toe.
Yep, getting me too. I was sitting out back with my wife enjoying the gorgeous afternoon. Now I'm in the house with a headache. Yes it's the pollen, not my wife...
I found a bottle of Loratadine (Claritin) in the pantry. Over the counter stuff usually is powerless against this stuff for me, but what the heck.
Mine are horrible right now too. I've gotten to the point of wearing a mask the whole time I'm outside.

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What worked for me
Wash face
Nasal flush x I use NeilMed
Flonase sensimist
Couple of Benadryl in the evening- side benefit, help me sleep for 5 hours
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I started allergy shots last May. I’m hesitant to give the shots credit as I didn’t think they’d work. I was damn near brought to my knees by allergies over the past 5-7 years, so I was ready to try anything.

So far this year, I may have had a week total aggregate time being affected by them—at least to the level I was pre-shots.

And this is only 1 year into a 3-year plan of shots. They say there’s an 80% “cure” rate at the end of it all.

Check it out if you’re suffering. I went from sound like I had fingers crammed up my nose 24/7 for 2-3 months to being able to smell the spring this year.
All of April ... cool weather; COVID work from home; trapped inside ... tree sex >>> Cooper-Dooper
Most people griped about the big yellow pine pollen bloom a month or so back ... I said I was okay with it compared the less visible coming grass and ragweed bloom ... welcome to hell.
had to finish the lawn today. all the areas too small for the riding mower.
so there's me in 80+ weather, direct sun, allergies in effect (i did take a pill this morning though, for the little bit that it's worth)
I had to take a knee half way through, then sit on the stairs in the shade for a bit. between the heat and the not breathing right and the itching and the nose and eyes watering, I could barely feel the little gnats crawling all over me trying to get my sweat and snot and tears.
Y’all planted the wrong grass.
I’ve been running a chain saw and dragging brush for two days, thankfully my sinuses ar OK & my eyes aren’t itching any more than normal.
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I started allergy shots last May. I’m hesitant to give the shots credit as I didn’t think they’d work. I was damn near brought to my knees by allergies over the past 5-7 years, so I was ready to try anything.

So far this year, I may have had a week total aggregate time being affected by them—at least to the level I was pre-shots.

And this is only 1 year into a 3-year plan of shots. They say there’s an 80% “cure” rate at the end of it all.

Check it out if you’re suffering. I went from sound like I had fingers crammed up my nose 24/7 for 2-3 months to being able to smell the spring this year.
I did the shots for 8 years. They worked for me really well. Was really only supposed to do them for no more than five, but did them from my late 20’s to mid 30’s. I grew into this hay fever thing when I was about 20, just all at once one spring. The last ten years haven’t been bad at all with either steroid shots once a spring from a crazy doc I went to, or flonase once he lost his license.

But this past week....
As far as allergies, we had to cut a lot of line in a lot heavily infested with something new to me - thorny olive. This stuff is a biological weapon. It is, of course, an invasive species from China, turns into a thick 20' high hedge row that also vines up into the trees. Oh, and has 3" thorns. Oh, and is covered in silvery powder that goes everywhere, but primarily into your sinus cavities and throat when you start disturbing it.

Anybody walking by the patch of woods would have thought the four of us were in there smoking some damn skunk-ass weed from hell.

Bad year for pollen due to the mild winter.
I’ve broken down and look like a first class weenie when cutting grass. Full respirator, googles, and long pants (sleeves too when I can bear it). It helps—certainly better than trying to muscle through it with just a little white pill. I’m down for a week if I don’t “kit up.”

I just pretend to be Maverick, slapping on a face mask, climbing into my Tomcat...even if it is yellow and is made by Cub Cadet!
I’ve broken down and look like a first class weenie when cutting grass. Full respirator, googles, and long pants (sleeves too when I can bear it). It helps—certainly better than trying to muscle through it with just a little white pill. I’m down for a week if I don’t “kit up.”

I just pretend to be Maverick, slapping on a face mask, climbing into my Tomcat...even if it is yellow and is made by Cub Cadet!
Switch from the little white pill to the little blue pill and really show those plants what it's like to send seed flying.
I've taken to cutting the grass while it's wet, either from a recent rain/drizzle or early morning dew. Not as much stuff floating around, no cloud coming out from under the mower.
Until about 5 days ago. Runny nose and mild sore throat for 4-5 weeks. Was either allergies or a mild case of the bat flu and I have never been an allergy sufferer.
I had bad allergies in Illinois. Allergic to grass, trees, and mold. I came down last July house shopping... allergies cleared up. Came back in August, September...then moved in December. Every time I came down my allergies cleared up. The past two weeks I am noticing them again, but they're mild. Odd.
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My eye doc looked at the inside of my eyelids after I mentioned the contacts drag. She said I had allergies and to pick up Zaditor (ketotifen fumarate) eye drops, it helps with the itchy eyes. The generic burns people's eyes more, I tried them both and didn't notice a difference.
Generic WM
I wandered in looking to make friends. Y'all talking about the wrong kinda grass.

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