Interesting firearm brandishing event

I side with the majority here. My firearm is there to protect me and mine. I would not play cop or peacemaker with it. "Not my monkeys, not my circus"
I think this is a great example of why to have a dashcam. I have caught some pretty interesting things on mine. I've only turned footage over to police one time. A couple was arguing driving up 95 near Richmond VA. I'm guessing the girl grabbed the steering wheel and the vehicle crashed into the median. This was a few vehicles in front of me. As I passed by, the driver punched the passenger. I wasn't exactly sure what happened at the time and didn't see the punch until after reviewing the video that night.
I've been seriously considering a dashcam for a while now. Way too much crazy stuff, routinely see packs of muscle cars racing and driving recklessly even in broad daylight.
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