Raleigh cop fight

It appeares that one of the cops was wailing away with an “ASP” type device, those are not PR24 batons and not ment to be used the same way, while I couldn’t even begin to recall the actual deployment details for those they were normally used to strike “soft” areas on the body, don’t get me wrong I don’t want to be hit with one, but they tend to cause nasty gashes and will split the skin wide open when used which never looks good on the news, the PR24 was a low velocity high impact device that can be used like a billy club if needed but are pretty much a “Tonfa” and can be used to do a lot of cool stuff, plus they REALLY smart when smacked in the face with one, not that I know first hand or anything lol.

Most people hated to carry the PR24 because it’s a PITA to carry around and they get in the way a lot, I still have mine and keep it handy just in case something needs a good wacking.
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I want some of whatever he was on...for just in case times...

I get cornered in a bad part of town? Pop some of that stuff, que the Popeye music, and stand the F back!!!
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I want some of whatever he was on...for just in case times...

I get cornered in a bad part of town? Pop some of that stuff, que the Popeye music, and stand the F back!!!
I'm laffin entirely too much at this, but then again I'm hammered...

Sent from notthedroidyourelookingfor
I made several saps & blackjacks back in the early to mid 80's. Never used coins, used spring steel, springs, & chunks of lead leather covered of course. A sap will leave a helluva knot on a head, and if you turn it sideways it' will leave a fine gash.
I made several saps & blackjacks back in the early to mid 80's. Never used coins, used spring steel, springs, & chunks of lead leather covered of course. A sap will leave a helluva knot on a head, and if you turn it sideways it' will leave a fine gash.
Why not make them now, Im sure people would buy them
I never know what ya'll mean when you talk about Blackjacks There are different things that serve the same purpose.


I'm partial to the sap.

The one's we carried with GSP was more like the top one in the picture except it was flat and filled with lead shot. We actually had a pocket sewn into the 4:00 position on the back of whichever leg you favored. Once you learned how to use it the fight was reduced to 2 hits, I hit you in the head and you hit the ground and the fight was over. Back then we didn't necessarily need to wait for you to resist, once I told you something and there wasn't immediate compliance it was up to me to show you the error of your ways...
Or, the downside of hiring weak, untrained, and/or fat people to attempt to arrest someone that might take objection.
NPR did a story on police shootings awhile back. The most interesting part of the story was when the police chief of Daytona stated few of any new recruits in the academy had ever been in a fight of any type. He said it simply did not occur to many 20-30 year old officers to use physical force on a subject as opposed to more lethal methods.
Love the Saps and blackjacks. I have a few of my grandfathers that he had from back in the day when he was with High Point PD. Several have the leather wore completely down to the lead. Also have his ratcheting single handcuff (can't think of the name now and I am at work, something like the gripper) Basically a single cuff that has a ratchet that locks down on the wrist as you turn the handle. Hurts like hell once you reach a certain point and you would have to be seriously doped up for it not to put you straight on the ground
Except they're illegal to conceal.
What is it that I see posted here weekly, "Concealed is concealed"

How many of us carry auto knives?
Eh, same thing, in my opinion.
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