Read this at WRSA

  • Thread starter Lawless
  • Start date
  • Replies 5
  • Views 257


[IMG2=JSON]{"alt":"republic of pineland","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","height":"264","width":"500","src":"https:\/\/\/2016\/02\/republic-of-pineland.jpg?w=500&h=264"}[/IMG2]

From over the transom:

Before things got hot, a Kameraden was doing FID missions on the Dark Continent.

At an embassy meet and greet, there was (as he described) a piece of female Eurotrash, part of some NGO. She knew what he was, but was insistent, as the type are, on pontificating on things of which they’ve no clue.

On and on, about what a wonderful world it would be, if only there were no guns.

She was allowed to spew nonsense for awhile. When enough was enough, my friend put down his drink, looked her in the eye, and said:

Go ahead. Ban guns. Take them ALL away. Then, when no one’s left to oppose us, people like me, are going to tell people like you:

Get. In. The. Boxcar.

She paled, left for the restroom where she vomited, and left the function.

We’ve a limited window.

Stop thinking reactive.

im guessing WW2 and packing jews into boxcars to death camps
backwoodsshooter said:
Lawless Cool story but lost on where it came from and have an idea what it means.

Care to break it down dummy style?
You can follow the link for where it comes from.

As to the meaning. Those pushing for an end to privately owned firearms largely miss what the result would be of only governments and tyrants possessing arms. Nevertheless, they push and will never rest in that goal. We seem to have largely ground to a halt from the last 8 years of constant vigilance during the Obama years with a sort of extended breather. We should realize that the global agenda of removing weapons from the private realm will actually be ramped up rather than recede. We have a limited time to be ready for this big push. About 4 years unless I miss my guess. The next liberal puppet to take office will usher in the "age of enlightenment" where people finally realize that guns are evil and diversity means everyone but whitey.
This reminds me of a discussion from a few years back, about a guy that felt compelled to disclose about a knife he was bringing in to a country that had regulations I such. He thought they would would understand the knife was technically legal and they would rule in his favor.
I asked if he really believed if these other people, from a different culture, had his same background and values, believed as he did and would see things as he saw them?
This is the question I would pose to the anti 2a people. Do you believe the powers that be, the government, the police, the people with guns, are peace loving, inclusive type people like yourselves? If not, then why do you want them to be the only ones with the guns?
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Lawless: "As to the meaning. Those pushing for an end to privately owned firearms largely miss what the result would be of only governments and tyrants possessing arms. Nevertheless, they push and will never rest in that goal. We seem to have largely ground to a halt from the last 8 years of constant vigilance during the Obama years with a sort of extended breather. We should realize that the global agenda of removing weapons from the private realm will actually be ramped up rather than recede. We have a limited time to be ready for this big push. About 4 years unless I miss my guess. The next liberal puppet to take office will usher in the "age of enlightenment" where people finally realize that guns are evil and diversity means everyone but whitey."

Wait until after next Friday and if things go as planned I'll send you my tinfoil top hat......
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