She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

It is so bad, its has to be watched because it crosses over into unintended comedy.
I can't wait for the next episode.

Although the wife got irritated at my maniacal laughing.
Agreed. Though the maniacal laughing turned into pained groaning when she womansplained mansplaining.
pro-tip, little lady. men don't just mansplain to women, they talk about a subject they think they know, even to other men.
The character is simply unnecessary because we already have Deadpool as the character who understands the 4th wall, and “professor Hulk” (or smart Hulk or whatever they are going to call him).

Those are the two things that made the comics about her interesting. The only thing the first episode really did was confirm that Bruce Banner had some childhood trauma that caused him to create an alternate personality…which took over whenever he was experiencing strong negative emotions. We don’t really need that confirmation anymore because that story line would have ended with the professor Hulk outcome.
So I watched last night with the wife and kid. Being a comic fan for over forty years, I could poke holes in this show all day, just like I can with any of the other shows or movies. But I’m not going to. Sure, some of it was ridiculous, and a lot of it was not comics accurate at all, but the wife and kid enjoyed it so that means I will too. I don’t care about all the “woke” Mary Sue bs like a lot of people do, it’s just a tv show, I’ll enjoy it for what it is.
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I watched the first episode last night. I get the feeling they just crammed an origin story into the first episode "as fast as they could" just to get it out of the way.

The problem with doing that is it doesn't bode well for the coming episodes. I'm all about not wasting a lot of time up front on an origin story, especially if it's something they're already covered before and are just rebooting. But for a new character, this was very cheesily done and gives the impression the rest of the series will be the same way.

I get it that Jen/She-Hulk was never the ‘roid-raging gamma beast her cousin was in the comics. In fact, she was quite often quite campy in her presentation. But we’ve come to expect a lot more from the marvel movies. Jen needs character development in a bad way and I hope she gets it. Campy will only get you so far.
Oh, and by the anybody else annoyed by Professor Hulk's (Smart Hulk's) voice?

It's WAY out of character for people with nominally huge physiques, much less the Hulk's physique and normal voice. They could have easily deepened Banner's voice a bit while keeping it noticably Banner's voice.
Oh, and by the anybody else annoyed by Professor Hulk's (Smart Hulk's) voice?

It's WAY out of character for people with nominally huge physiques, much less the Hulk's physique and normal voice. They could have easily deepened Banner's voice a bit while keeping it noticably Banner's voice.

Didn’t they explain that in one of the Avenger movies? Banner chose to stay in his hulk form, but maintained his non-rage demeanor and persona.
Oh, and by the anybody else annoyed by Professor Hulk's (Smart Hulk's) voice?

It's WAY out of character for people with nominally huge physiques, much less the Hulk's physique and normal voice. They could have easily deepened Banner's voice a bit while keeping it noticably Banner's voice.
Mike Tyson begs to differ….
I still think it's way too anti-man grrrrl power.
a lot of the jokes are just flat
the only part that showed any kind of character development was the end when hot doctor bailed out. aND it' sad, because the show is close to good, but it's like good keeps extending a hand to pull them up and they keep slapping it away and yelling "I DON'T NEED ANY HELP FROM YOU"
It’s becoming clear that this is just a show that exists to tie in the future Marvel properties. The superhero legal defense team is a great way of introducing new character opportunities that will be re-booted by Disney. So far we’ve seen the Daredevil helmet and hints of X-men. It was also mentioned that She Hulk will be part of the new Avengers, and they’ve set up a potential Incredible Hulk movie/series in space.
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No kidding. The CG version is actually made to look "prettier" than the actress is. I was thinking they chose her because it would not take much makeup to ugly her up to hulk.
Not nearly as large as HULK. Woke monster.
Tatiana Maslany (Lead Actress) is not a knock out but she looked much better in Orphan Black, I get the impression they purposely made her homely for her character.
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