Update: keeping her! Free Kitten!! It was running across Main Street and I had to tear my car apart. Pics & story

I like cats. And I don't like people who don't.


Ffolkes aka North Sea Hijack (1979)
Alfred the orange. The highlighter is there for scale. He's my buddy.


With that, she is getting big fast. Still a kitten size but bigger than Alfred was at that age. She's about as big now as Alfred was at six months.

She's getting spayed in March when she'll be around six months old.
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Update on mine, sorry to threadjack:
Cone lasted until we went to sleep that night. Doctor: "No running, jumping, or hard playing for ten days."

Yeah sure buddy. Would have to dope this guy up or something. He's doing all those things.....all the time. I was afraid he'd hang himself on it so never put it back on, lol. He ain't too bright, but he's got spirit. Even at his size he hangs in play-fights with the other full grown males.


Wow, that little cutie just fell right into your family life.

Good for you taking her in @MochaJoe.
Thank you. I was thinking yesterday that it's pretty neat our kids were accepting immediately. Then I said "wife, isn't it cool? We showered them with love which they then gave to a new baby in our home. Interesting how that works. Psychology is fascinating." She probably responded with something like, "Maybe. I need you to load the dishwasher please."
I can't quite remember exactly. Animals are pretty easy, give love get love.

Anyway, yeah! Animals are pretty great!
What a face! Thanks for saving her. She'll love you for the rest of your life in reward
Thanks. Really hoping I can run across another street kitten or even a street puppy. Wife couldn't we say no.
Lucky already comes to me when I call her, just like Alfred the orange. Those two follow me around the house like Zelda the dog does.
We have two cats. I found them under my house when they barely had their eyes open. We raised them by bottle feeding them. They are a part of our family now as much as my wife or me. I would rather something happen to me than to happen to either of our cats. My granddaughter named them, Sally and Trixie.
We have two cats. I found them under my house when they barely had their eyes open. We raised them by bottle feeding them. They are a part of our family now as much as my wife or me. I would rather something happen to me than to happen to either of our cats. My granddaughter named them, Sally and Trixie.
Right there with ya. I would do anything for my pets.
She's taken to lying on the back of the couch near me in the evenings now. Of course this is after the obligatory brushing when i come home. She was a found kitten pulled out of a French drain here at work.

View attachment 579415
Bro that's a gorgeous cat to find in a drain. Nice.
Bro that's a gorgeous cat to find in a drain. Nice.
She‘s a pretty Kitty and she knows it. :)

My wife says that when I go to bed, which I usually fall asleep on the couch and wake up a while later before going to bed (time of this post) she sleeps in my spot on the couch. She’s there right now, I think telling me it’s time to go to bed.

I have to say, I love that little girl. My wife would say that it’s just like in regular life, where somehow my friends for whatever reason always seem to be female, and I get the female dog and cat as my special friends and she gets the two boy cats as hers.
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Your cat climbing a ladder reminds me of one we used to have. At that time we had an attic ladder that you would pull down. If we weren't very careful, the cat would climb up there and hang out for several hours. We just left it open and waited for it to climb back down.
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