Really rough 24 hours for my wife and I

Sorry for you and your bride's loss. Hold each other and ride down this rough road for a spell.

I haven’t been around here long and don’t know anything about you other than you have good taste in music.
Would responding to this make HMP laugh, or would it be just me being an ass?
Late seeing this thread but we’ll keep you and your wife in our thoughts and prayers Garrett.
Would responding to this make HMP laugh, or would it be just me being an ass?
Well, responding like that made me laugh, and I expect it would make him laugh too. Knowing the back story.
Hey man, I too have been down this road with my wife. PM whenever you want. I've got nothing for advise, but I'll listen.
More blood work today
But she might end up back in the hospital today.
She might require surgery soon
Seems like it MAY not have been a miscarriage, but a pregnancy that is not stable/ectopic (?).
She's scared. She's in pain. Things are not right.
Been in your shoes several times. Wife has never gotten over them 15+ years later. It is not something we as husband/ men / partner can fix.

Hang in. Sorry I don't have a recommendation for cure or help.
I've never been in your situation so I just looked up the word ectopic.
I'm sorry you two are having to deal with this.
I hope and pray they get it figured out today and can get your wifes physical condition stabilized with a quickness.
I have one child....she was born the first week of the 7th month..she weighed 2 pounds and 6 ounces at birth....she is 54 and healthy...

You can do this....I know you can.....if you find yourself needing anything that we can do here...Ronnie Sue and I are at your disposal.
This continues, but things are slightly better. Slightly.
Hell of a week.

Yall are a great group of folks. The texts, the PMs...Im thankful.
Some of yall Ive met, some are BROTHERS, some I aint...but youve all been so kind and supportive.
I think it's @Brangus who always says, or maybe @Jeppo "More than a gun forum"
Yeah, that's spot dang on.
I worked all week, and Im glad I did (for a variety of reasons) - it helped distract. I enjoyed browsing this forum and such, we watched movies together. Distractions are good. She sent me to play hockey last night, which also showed that she wasnt in crippling pain like on Thursday, and Im glad for both.

We just want to get back to normal.

Ive prayed more about her, and it's, health more times in the past few weeks than I have in the past year or more.
Ive realized how much I truly love this woman. I feel like Ive been a good husband, that Ive done the right things. Ive just taken care of her. That she's my main priority, my main concern.
This has put a lot into perspective.
As usual, I'm seeing a thread way later than everyone else. I'm praying for y'all!

I'll also add my story in the hopes that it encourages you.

My wife and I were about 25yo and newly married. I was still on active duty and deploying a lot... We weren't trying, but we weren't trying to prevent anything either.

She got pregnant. As soon as she saw the positive test, she told everybody. She was so happy. That was a mistake... It just wasn't the right time for us, but she took it hard...

About 6 months later, she got pregnant again. This time she learned from the first one. She waited three months before she told anyone. Then she told everyone... I don't remember how long it took, a couple more months, but we lost that one too. By that time, she was far enough along that she had to have surgery to get it out, or it would have killed her too.

This second time was much worse on us. We had had ultrasounds, pictures of the baby, etc. She had started buying baby clothes... She became depressed, and she decided she didn't want to go through that again, so she started taking birth control. It still wasn't the right time for us...

About two years went by and she decided she was ready to try again. We were much more stable at this point. I had left the military, I was close to finishing my bachelor's degree, she had a good job, we had just bought our first home, etc... We were blessed with a perfectly healthy baby. It was finally the right time for us.

Two years later, we were blessed with another perfectly healthy baby.

I hope we are done. Two is more than enough for me, and now my wife is telling me it's time to get snipped, just in case.

The moral of my story is. Nobody knows when it's the right time for them. But, don't let that stop you from trying again. Eventually, it'll be the right time for you too.

May God bless you both, when the time is right!
Things are looking better.
It's gone, we arent having a child, but my wife is doing better physically, which is good.
But its still hard stuff.
Thank God she is on the mend. As my father would say when I was struggling - " hang in there". Praying that you find peace.
Sorry for your loss man, but also glad your emotional rollercoaster ride has ended. Hope y’all find peace with the situation soon.
Wish that I could take away the heartache brother. You are doing great supporting her. That’s what she really needs right now. Prayers that y’all find peace and that she recovers and able to conceive again.
Still saying prayer for you. It sounds like you've done a great job of being her rock.
Got onto my Amazon last night to order a circular saw blade. At the top was "Pick up where you left off" with some NC State (wife's alma mater) baby stuff. That was a punch in the gut. She saw it and cried.
That's the hard part now. She's doing better and better and better physically, which is great, but the memories remain.

Im very thankful for all of the PMs, texts, and, of course, messages in this thread.
Yall are wonderful
Our second baby was born at seven months and lived only six hours. Love your wife, care for her, support her. You'll get through this. Yes, the memories will remain. Even after 45 years, two children, and five grandchildren. Those memories are part of what "the two shall become one flesh" means.
Brother, know your pain. We als lost one about half way into it. She just woke up one night and was spotting blood. She didn’t do anything wrong, it just happened. We were devastated. We had one child then, my son and don’t know what that one would have been. We had a second baby, my daughter 2 years later. We never forget the one we lost and love the ones we have. It will get better.
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