US Marshal's Service...big 'oopsie'

Id prep for an invasion and be ready to protect my property. Lots of things happening with people dressing up like police or the like so i would not be taking any chances. Guns gear and extra loaded mags a plenty. Its about to GET REAL.

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Gastonia PD just arrested 4 guys for impersonating a police officer. They (the thug actors) were at a hotel (druggie, prostitution and homeless hang out) going room to room “searching” for “people” …….my guess was to rob people or looking to “get someone”
I do not agree. This was the house he used to live in. WHO says he wasn't there in years? We have ZERO clue as to the intel that the Marshal's had. That could be his aunt's house now, or a friend of the family, etc. Way too many unknowns for people to pass judgments on it, in my opinion.

There's a reason we use the phrase "probable cause" rather than "possible cause", and assuming the distinction can't be made, the difference is in that one has to rise above what's theoretically possible to the level of being empirically probable.
I do not agree. This was the house he used to live in. WHO says he wasn't there in years? We have ZERO clue as to the intel that the Marshal's had. That could be his aunt's house now, or a friend of the family, etc. Way too many unknowns for people to pass judgments on it, in my opinion.
Not passing judgement but this happens too often, they went to an apt in FL and had full team response, the guy was there over three years ago, woman in the apt had a handgun, they told her to put it down or they would kill her.

Other cases where they don't run the tags and end up at the wrong house and shoot the dog(s) dead. These are the ones that make the headlines, how many times do they make mistakes? I agree these teams do good work and it is a hard job given the fact that the criminals do not want to go into custody easily.
I do not agree. This was the house he used to live in. WHO says he wasn't there in years? We have ZERO clue as to the intel that the Marshal's had. That could be his aunt's house now, or a friend of the family, etc. Way too many unknowns for people to pass judgments on it, in my opinion.
Or why would anyone think the fugitive was the actual owner of the house? Property records are useless.
@Dan0311 , @J R Green , @Cowboy , any help with the question??? I'll understand if you recuse yourself because of affiliation. My takeway will be you can't put yourself in civillian situation.
Those of us who have done that job realize that it isn't the threat or abuse that paranoid people believe it to be.

Most people just come to the door.
To make this clear as to my LE attraction on this...I have a U.S. Marshall cap with a badge attached. It was given to me by a U.S. Marshall Deputy that spent the better part of a day here. We shot, we talked, we ate...we had a grand time. He kindly gave me the hat and badge when he left. I am Not anti LE...This just looks like a situation that is set up for people to Die.
Those of us who have done that job realize that it isn't the threat or abuse that paranoid people believe it to be.

Most people just come to the door.
Thanks @J R Green , I appreciate your taking part in this. I also appreciate what you do. I still have NO Answer to my original question and if you in LE simply want to recuse yourself it' fine with me.
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The problem I have with this (well, one problem of several):

They look like they are dressed up for the local 2gun match. Nothing about what they are wearing says "professional law enforcement". And I know and am related to many professional leos.
Do they dress up in front of a mirror and take selfies?

I consider myself fairly educated on stuff, and these dudes look exactly like I would expect two thugs dressed for a home invasion robbery would look like. They don't look like cops. I mean, WTH?
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Haha - home invasion thugs don't dress up in tacti-cool gear.
I do not agree. This was the house he used to live in. WHO says he wasn't there in years? We have ZERO clue as to the intel that the Marshal's had. That could be his aunt's house now, or a friend of the family, etc. Way too many unknowns for people to pass judgments on it, in my opinion.

I am trying to give serious thought to this; as in, how would I react. I am not trying to be contrarian. If cops come skulking around my house in assault battle rattle, my radar is pinging hard. I'd probably tell them through a closed door they have the wrong house and GTFO. I am the fifth owner of a nearly-50-year-old house. If the cops are coming here looking for someone who lived here before me and they don't trust me to tell them 'they ain't here', that's their problem.

I agree, a lot of unknowns. What did the intel say? Did they talk to local LE? Did they talk with the neighbors? Did they attempt a knock-and-chat first?
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The NYPD t-shirts and replica badges in the video were cheesy instead of tacti-cool.
Two armed guys with POLICE vests robbed three folks at their front door when they got home in California. He held the gun gansta style.
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If you think that's an issue maybe you got the wrong Damn house and need to go away
All I can say is that ignorance is bliss. Or, perhaps you know a better way to apprehend dangerous men than the people who actually are in the arena.

Got any advice on how to fix the Mid East? I'm sure you've read a few papers and know a better way for that also.
Hell, it makes me angry when I discover utility locators have been on my property without permission or notice. @Cowboy is correct in that this time turned out better than expected, which is a sad state in and of itself, in that they went away without destroying or killing anything. That being said, I don't think it is acceptable for anyone, including under the claim of law enforcement, to trespass on someone's property in this manner. Which brings me to the (legal) question of, what would they have done had the property been fenced, gated, or even marked No Trespassing, indicating that the owner is expressly exerting their claim of privacy, meaning the cops can't claim they were in some sort of public-ish space.

Gray area. Utilities have easements. Easements give access.
All I can say is that ignorance is bliss. Or, perhaps you know a better way to apprehend dangerous men than the people who actually are in the arena.

Got any advice on how to fix the Mid East? I'm sure you've read a few papers and know a better way for that also.
Dangerous men? You mean like guys in my backyard with rifles?
I hope this thread stays open...I'm still looking to see an answer from ANY LE?? I'm gonna start every Sunday with this question for All local LEs in attendence.
If I saw this outside my house I would be on high alert period. I would almost certainly have my firearm in hand and ready to go. That said when they knock on the door and identify themselves it changes things. I wouldn't open fire on people simply because they are armed outside my house.
If I saw this outside my house I would be on high alert period. I would almost certainly have my firearm in hand and ready to go. That said when they knock on the door and identify themselves it changes things. I wouldn't open fire on people simply because they are armed outside my house.
Uhhhh we're police i swear.
I'm not viewing video here, but the images shown don't show some very important damn information.


What I DO see are hooded/masked people with guns.

And what's with this crap:

Video from the doorbell camera shows a quick glimpse of the marshals coming onto the front porch before one of them covers the camera. They then knocked twice, identifying themselves as law enforcement on the second try.

If you're law enforcement, then you had better plainly BE law enforcement. A bunch of anonymous people with guns approaching a house like this is a recipe for totally unnecessary, unmitigated DISASTER.

I'm glad the people weren't home for this and I'm glad they got the sheriff and police involved to find out WTF was going on.

Now, we can make fun of the homeowners being traumatized by this when they weren't even there...but seriously, how many people here WOULDN'T be all kinds of upset, pissed off, worried, and concerned that UNMARKED LAW ENFORCEMENT OPENLY APPROACHED YOUR HOUSE WHERE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY CALL HOME IN THIS FASHION? Whether you were home or not, there is a legitimate concern for the health and safety of your family at stake here.

You're just trying to live your life, but they are playing for keeps.

If you screw up, you're f***** and they pay NOTHING.

If they screw up, you're f***** and they pay NOTHING.

Because YOU don't have qualified immunity and the literally unlimited financial and legal resources that the government does.
Just so
If I saw this outside my house I would be on high alert period. I would almost certainly have my firearm in hand and ready to go. That said when they knock on the door and identify themselves it changes things. I wouldn't open fire on people simply because they are armed outside my house.
Thank You @Cowboy . I appreciate you Pard.
Is it common for a Judge to sign a search warrant if the address is three years stale?
"the task force received an anonymous tip on Monday that a woman who lived at the house was helping a man wanted in a Fayetteville murder hide out. The officers never went into the home and left once they couldn't contact anyone inside or any neighbors, he said."

There is no mention of a search warrant that I could see. Imagine your loved one was murdered and the police got a tip that the murderer may be back at his old house. How would you feel if the police didn't even follow through and knock on the door?!? I would imagine most of us here would be ready to punch the police commander that made that decision. You have to at least knock - anonymous/unverified does not get you a search warrant, but you owe it to the victim's family to at least try.
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Try we are US Marshall's I'm sure for the untrusting people they could call 911. The reason they were out back was for a runner.
If they were shot through the window I would call it extremely reasonable.
I'm not viewing video here, but the images shown don't show some very important damn information.


What I DO see are hooded/masked people with guns.

And what's with this crap:

Video from the doorbell camera shows a quick glimpse of the marshals coming onto the front porch before one of them covers the camera. They then knocked twice, identifying themselves as law enforcement on the second try.

If you're law enforcement, then you had better plainly BE law enforcement. A bunch of anonymous people with guns approaching a house like this is a recipe for totally unnecessary, unmitigated DISASTER.

I'm glad the people weren't home for this and I'm glad they got the sheriff and police involved to find out WTF was going on.

Now, we can make fun of the homeowners being traumatized by this when they weren't even there...but seriously, how many people here WOULDN'T be all kinds of upset, pissed off, worried, and concerned that UNMARKED LAW ENFORCEMENT OPENLY APPROACHED YOUR HOUSE WHERE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY CALL HOME IN THIS FASHION? Whether you were home or not, there is a legitimate concern for the health and safety of your family at stake here.

You're just trying to live your life, but they are playing for keeps.

If you screw up, you're f***** and they pay NOTHING.

If they screw up, you're f***** and they pay NOTHING.

Because YOU don't have qualified immunity and the literally unlimited financial and legal resources that the government does.
But why do people hate us?
There's a reason we use the phrase "probable cause" rather than "possible cause", and assuming the distinction can't be made, the difference is in that one has to rise above what's theoretically possible to the level of being empirically probable.
I think you're way off. Probable Cause, or Reasonable Cause to Believe is the level of suspicion used to make an arrest or get a warrant. They already have that once they find the murderer. They do NOT have that in regards to him being in that house- therefor no search warrant. They simply knocked at a location that a murderer may be in.
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Those are big words for a person so cowardly they would shoot through a window at someone tat hasn't threatened you in any form or fashion.
If 2 guys walking through my back yard with with rifles and plates ain't a threat i don't know what is.
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