Old time music

I used to go up to the Mount Airy / Galax area, and whenever I was passing through, I would seek out WPAQ on the radio for real local old-time music. Ralph Epperson was the DJ, though it doesn’t seem adequate to call him a deejay; more of a master of ceremonies, but he played the music in this little country radio station and knew all the musicians for decades. It was always a great comfort to tune in to WPAQ; with all the things going on in the world, it was like going home.

Once, after I had misplaced my recording of the Carolina Tar Heels (Dock Walsh, Drake Walsh, Garley Foster of Wilkes County), I was driving near Mount Airy and I wondered if WPAQ might be able to play something by them. I called the radio station and Ralph Epperson answered the phone. I made my request, and Ralph said, “I know them and I have some records, but I’m sorry I don’t have any to hand right now” and he apologized for being unable to accommodate me. When I got home, I found a message on my answering machine. It was Ralph Epperson. He said “I thought you might like to hear some Carolina Tar Heels, here you go” and proceeded to play My Home‘s Across the Blue Ridge Mountains over the phone. It put a smile on my face and a warm feeling inside. I thought you might like to hear it too (though this is an earlier recording):

this was a few years ago, but this young feller from Compton does some old music..in other interviews (with David Holt) he tells about some
of the songs/music being 100+ years old... . vid is long...
I do not know when he last recorded, but I have bought some of his recordings and enjoy them.

That voice…

Farther along we’ll know more about it,
Farther along we’ll understand why;
Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine,
We’ll understand it all by and by.
There are many renditions of this song, but I think the simpler ones are best
Tony Rice is probably my favorite Bluegrass or traditional singer ! This group recorded some great music.

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