have you ever been banned from a forum?


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Jul 17, 2017
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just asking because, today, i was banned.
don't know why. no replies; no answers.
it was a sports forum. no big deal.
one and done, i guess.
If the mods over there googled your username would it lead them here?
Yes. I was on a Harley Davidson forum many years ago and there were members from around the world. Somehow, a few of us just clicked One was from Sarasota, Florida, one from San Diego, one from Detroit, one in the Air Force stationed in Germany, and me here in SC. A new moderator came in and immediately took a dislike to us and ended up banning us all.

We stayed in touch through My Space and emails. The guy in Germany emailed me and asked how far I was from Charleston and I told him less than 2 hours. He said he would be coming over to Charleston for 3 days and wanted to know if we could meet up. I figured if he could come from Germany I could come from Conway. I went down to meet him and it was like we had known each other forever. He ended up his career in the Air Force, retired, and moved to N Dakota. We still stay in touch.

The guy from Detroit moved to Jacksonville, FL. He and the guy from Sarasota and I met at St Marys, GA for a weekend. The guy from Jacksonville had a bad stroke and I went to visit him shortly after. We still stay in contact.

The guy from Sarasota has become my best friend. He has moved around some and is now in Fulshear, TX. He and I will meet up somewhere for a few days a couple of times a year and hang out. We've done this for 10 years now. I went to visit him in Texas back in June and hope to go back sometime this spring. I consider him a brother and I do not use that term for anyone else besides my two siblings.

The guy from San Diego has moved to Warsaw, MO and runs a restaurant and bar and doing well. We've never met face to face yet but we still stay in touch.

Getting banned from that forum has been a wonderful experience for me. I have made some great friends that I would never have known otherwise.
just asking because, today, i was banned.
don't know why. no replies; no answers.
it was a sports forum. no big deal.
one and done, i guess.

Sounds like the Cowboyszone? They have been banning people like crazy for posting even the slightest political post.
I have. But all the people I care about are on this forum now anyways. No big deal.
Nope but I have considered it. I used to belong to a disc golf forum full of leftisit commie wanna be revolutionaries. Mostly young, ignorant guys so the politics and current events sections got lively. I go back and leave a turd for them a time or two a year. Last year at election time was a lot of fun.
Nope but I have considered it. I used to belong to a disc golf forum full of leftisit commie wanna be revolutionaries. Mostly young, ignorant guys so the politics and current events sections got lively. I go back and leave a turd for them a time or two a year. Last year at election time was a lot of fun.

What exactly is disc golf? I heard some say they played with friends and you had to have a back pack to carry all your disc,disk?
What exactly is disc golf? I heard some say they played with friends and you had to have a back pack to carry all your disc,disk?

Yep, that's pretty much it. Usually a nice walk through the woods and you get to throwmthings at targets. And most courses are free. And NC. Is loaded with great courses. And Charlotte is considered the best place in the US for great courses. The US Championships are typically held at Winthrop. Fun game, but the people involved are usually not the type you want to socialize with. But I have met some great people around the country that play. Maybe I should host a DG weekend and the shotgun guys can use the flying discs as skeet targets! :p

I have banned quite a number, though, when I was a Community Leader on a social Q&A site a while back.
I was banned twice from a gun forum. Once, for having the temerity to contradict one of that forum's owner's unsubstantiated BS (and, of course, not shutting up when he shook his administrative fist at me via PM). Second time was when I called someone a halfwit.

Nobody ever volunteered ownership of the ban hammer, but I think it was the same guy both times. Still lurking and trolling others with his various sock-puppets.
Sadly I have. I made the mistake of calling a sensitive fellow a cuck pillow biter. Should have limited my insults to sodomite,
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I have. I had posted this in another post from here but here is the basics of it with some editing as we are not in the basement:

I used the word (National Socialist) on "another gun forum" site and the mod banished me. Really pissed me off so I created another account and told him to "kiss off". That got my IP address banned, so, me being the smart*** I am, called my ISP provider and got them to change my IP for me, just so I could go and mess with him again
I've never been banned. But I mostly put annoying people on /ignore instead of wasting time arguing with them.
Good lord, I don't even know my real name anymore I've been banned so many times. GMX.COM mail is your friend.

How to get banned:

1. Instead of writing Obama or President Obama, write 'The Obozo Clown' You will be instantly banned. They hate that.
2. Speak the truth. Banned. They hate that too.
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Only forum to be banned from was The High Road. Why you may ask?? I took The Low Trail and pissed off the higher and mightier... NOT the first time I'd pizzed him off... but the last...
Yes, once.
Gear forum, banned for calling someone out on a lie and just not being as polite as they wanted.
They didnt like that I questioned things (ie: why have you banned ALL LINKS to outside sites, even ones who arent in competition with you? etc)
Was going to say no but day aint over yet but i remembered getting banned on Headcase. Some guy more or less said i was stupid and i more or less said i
would like to meet him in a dark alley. Dont even know if they are still around but if you didnt agree with everything the mods and owner said, you were doomed.
After being on WeazelZippers for @ four years before the blog got larger & I'd sent him several leads/articles.
I got banned for asking a mod if his mom had ever washed his mouth out with soap.
Funny part is the owner claims to be a devout catholic and frequently showed pics of him with his young sons.
I got my entire ISP banned from Tactical Rob's m4 forum for preaching BCM was better than Colt.
And a few k cheaper.
Got kicked off a music related forum once for telling them their favorite band was over the hill, hadn't done anything creative for 15 years and had degenerated into a greatest hits band. Truth hurts.
Got kicked outta Canada briefly for pickin' on a snowflake who could dish it out, but not take it.

Got booted from a guitar forum after the founder gave the wrong person admin privileges & they locked him out & stole it from him. Apparently my GIF of Kermit doing one of the new mods doggy-style wasn't appreciated.
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