100 People let go at ESPN and Stephen A Smith still has a job

Competition from all angles, every major network has a sports channel and they stay away as far as I know from stupid politics.

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Jemele Hill should have been first on the list. She is constantly pushing the cultural marxist agenda (at least when I read a few of her pieces).

She is infuriating to watch. The few times I did it was more like watch Rachel maddow than anything related to sports. Yet they push sage steele off of programs because she is conservative.
Jemele Hill should have been first on the list. She is constantly pushing the cultural marxist agenda (at least when I read a few of her pieces).
Except that is exactly what ESPN (Disney?) is pushing these days. People like her will or already do fill their ranks.

I quit watching ESPN when they gave Bruce Jenner that award for courage.
You made it farther than me. I stopped after LeBron's The Decision garbage.
Except that is exactly what ESPN (Disney?) is pushing these days. People like her will or already do fill their ranks.
You're right. She was the worst of them several years ago when I stopped watching/listening to ESPN. No doubt they have gotten worse in the years since I tuned out.
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Yeah, they've made it pretty easy to not watch much anymore. With the two hours of First Take, and now SC6, my prime watching hours are done.

They keep Stephen and Jemele, but Dr. Jerry Punch, Ed Werder, and Trent Dilfer are gone? No thanks.
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