4 Day Work Weeks...

I used to work a 9/80 schedule that gave one day off every other week and one 8 hour day on the 'on week'. The rest of the days were 9 hour days. It was easier to manage than 4/10s.
I worked a procedural nursing job that was 4 10-hour days, call on weekends and holidays. There were about 9 of us. The Boss told us "figure it out or I will figure it out for you." We did, and she didn't. We all got the holidays and weekends off we wanted, some people got the same day of the week off, some like the day off to rotate.

Given them a shot to decide, and if they can't then assign it to them.
Go with your rotating W/TH/F schedule, but allow them to trade days with each other if they want to do that. You are being fair, they get some freedom to work it out if they want to.
I'm going with the fixed day off per week, plus 1 Friday per month. It's easiest for managing our production (including dreaded meetings...) to have consistency.
I like the 8h x 5d work week.
There's no advantage when working from home.

Office of factory work then I can see it.
Saves gas $ and off hr travel time.
100 or so years ago when I did landscaping work we worked 4 10 hour days/week so we had a fallback if we got rained out. If not rained out we had Friday off or could opt for OT work.

Another time in my life and being an "exempt" employee I didn't get paid for overtime - just had to do what had to be done and it was always more that 40/week - I did a flex schedule as did many people w/ 1 day off every 2 weeks. week 1 was 9,9,9,9,8 and week 2 was 9,9,9,9,off. Since I was always working more than 8 hours a day anyway I didn't even notice the "extra hour/day" and the nice thing about it was that no matter what was going on I was off every other Friday. Had to make it known what our "flex schedule" was going to be so everyone knew and I could change it any time as long as it didn't interfere with getting things done but I rarely changed. Everyone acted like adults and it worked out well for everyone.
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Make a rotating schedule where every couple weeks, one employee works mon-Thursday and then Tuesday through Friday the next week, giving them a four day weekend. 10 hour days the other four days.
4 days a week, I couldn't do it. I work a 24/72 schedule, work a day, 3 off. It works out to 1-3 days a week, rotating days. We work 8 days a month.
I managed a 24-7 Union shop with 4 rotating shifts. The only 2 ways I could keep track of everyone was with a crib sheet and the 2AM grievance call from the shift that was on the 5th night. According to the union steward 99.9% of the grievances were just a gripe.

The “modern method“ to determine what is best is employee involvement.
Give them guidelines and let them figure it out.
BTW - the modern employee involvement methods usually piss someone off because they don’t get their way
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