America: The most mass shootings in the world?


Every gun owning American is indebted to Dr. John Lott - NO ONE even approaches him at
punking the anti-2A academia and corrupt media at their own game!

Here is the website for the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) - their weekly email is always chock full of FACTS that DESTROY the anti-2A deceit:

Every donation to CPRC is money WELL INVESTED in securing our freedoms into our children’s children’s future!
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There was just a mass shooting at Personal Defense. One person dead. I am making this joke because definitions matter, the claim of guns being cause #1 of deaths of children is actually based on excluding babies and including 18-19 year olds or something like that.
...and including 18-19 year olds or something like that.
that one is where they talk about the number of kids killed by guns
clever wording of including teenagers and such so the non-critical won't look too harshly at the data.
because when you think about teens you think kids, and nobody really thinks of 19yr old gang bangers as kids
There was just a mass shooting at Personal Defense. One person dead. I am making this joke because definitions matter, the claim of guns being cause #1 of deaths of children is actually based on excluding babies and including 18-19 year olds or something like that.

Auto accidents were leading until a few year ago and the pandemic and crime rates among teens started exploding because of liberal policies. Take away gun from the traditional Democrat base and gun violence declines by like 80%
Don’t forget that medical related deaths … especially those connected to obesity (heart, diabetes, etc) kill FAR more people each year than guns. Ban just high fructose corn syrup and you’d likely save more lives than any gun control crap …
I saw a study (from the Mayo Clinic IIRC) that estimated medical malpractice kills more people each year than non-suicide related gun deaths.

Not long after that, I was in for my yearly physical and the nurse asked me a bunch of questions, one of which was "do you own any guns". I told her about the Mayo study, then said "you mind your business and I will mind mine". This was 5 or so years ago, they have not asked that question since.
I did a paper on Mass school shootings while in college. Most reported were not mass shootings , and were gang related. Not a true active shooter scenario. There were a large number of in school suicides labeled as a school shooter. Some incidents were not even on the school grounds but declared a mass school shooting???????
I saw a study (from the Mayo Clinic IIRC) that estimated medical malpractice kills more people each year than non-suicide related gun deaths.

Not long after that, I was in for my yearly physical and the nurse asked me a bunch of questions, one of which was "do you own any guns". I told her about the Mayo study, then said "you mind your business and I will mind mine". This was 5 or so years ago, they have not asked that question since.

yep the "official" term is iatrogenesis or iatrogenic deaths. essentially medical malpractice deaths.

Not the end all be all of a source but Johns Hopkins had a report back in 2016:
Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure, published May 3 in The BMJ, surpasses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) third leading cause of deathrespiratory disease, which kills close to 150,000 people per year.
I saw a study (from the Mayo Clinic IIRC) that estimated medical malpractice kills more people each year than non-suicide related gun deaths.

Not long after that, I was in for my yearly physical and the nurse asked me a bunch of questions, one of which was "do you own any guns". I told her about the Mayo study, then said "you mind your business and I will mind mine". This was 5 or so years ago, they have not asked that question since.
I had my yearly physical yesterday. The nurse didn't ask me about guns. She did ask if I always wore my seatbelt while in a car. I said yes. Then I told her that I don't know why she would be worried about that and not worried about me riding a motorcycle and a bicycle in Charlotte traffic. She just kinda looked at me and didn't ask anymore questions.
How many mass shooters were doped up on antidepressants?

I’m joking because it was almost all of them.

The drug companies caused this and the drs that prescribe them as well.

Instead of suing gun companies they should be suing the drug companies and the drs.
How many mass shooters were doped up on antidepressants?

I’m joking because it was almost all of them.

The drug companies caused this and the drs that prescribe them as well.

Instead of suing gun companies they should be suing the drug companies and the drs.
We should, but those “in power” love a good tragedy. Nothing like some faux outrage to ram through legislation. Blood is the true grease that turns the political wheels.
The way to solve the problem is to vote these idiots out of office. Take their power away

Only problem with that is the line of like-minded folks to succeed them is long.

The last true statesman we had left office in 2013.
I saw a study (from the Mayo Clinic IIRC) that estimated medical malpractice kills more people each year than non-suicide related gun deaths.

Not long after that, I was in for my yearly physical and the nurse asked me a bunch of questions, one of which was "do you own any guns". I told her about the Mayo study, then said "you mind your business and I will mind mine". This was 5 or so years ago, they have not asked that question since.
Boundary Violation
It’s insane that Doctors and nurses questioning a protected right that is in the Bill of Rights. Right before the 2nd Amendment is the 1st, which protects free speech, freedom,of religion and right to assemble. Can you imagine a doctors office asking patients “are you a Christian?” “What church do you attend?” “Do you ever speak against your government?” “Did you attend the recent protest?”

These questions are all equivalent to “do you own guns?”.
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It’s insane that Doctors and nurses questioning a protected right that is in the Bill of Rights. Right before the 2nd Amendment is the 1st, which protects free speech, freedom,of religion and right to assemble. Can you imagine a doctors office asking patients “are you a Christian?” “What church do you attend?” “Do you ever speak against your government?” “Did you attend the recent protest?”

These questions are all equivalent to “do you own guns?”.
Those questions were added to medical records by the CDC I believe. They’re referred to as Social Determinants of Health. You can decline to answer any or all of them. I always opt to decline them all.
I got a first last week at the hospital. I went locally not the VA due to a bad cut. Anyway One of the questions was " Are you going to be afraid to go to your home when you leave here." It caught me of guard like WTF. I was looking for the gun question or the suicide
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