BB Gun and Fake Rolex Robbery

Well if he didn't know the difference between a real gun and a BB gun I wouldn't expect him to know a fake Rolex and necklace from the real ones either.... Stupid is, stupid does......
Slow news day?
“The victim believes the pellets were copper and not plastic”.

Well that’s good because it would be an airsoft gun and not a B.B. gun, but what am I talking about... they’re the ones always calling 4 guns and 6 mags “an arsenal!”
I think saw that episode of TPB
“The victim believes the pellets were copper and not plastic”.

Well that’s good because it would be an airsoft gun and not a B.B. gun, but what am I talking about... they’re the ones always calling 4 guns and 6 mags “an arsenal!”

The press does whatever they can to sensationalize anything having to do with guns of any sort.

I read a story several months ago about a guy that had a massive amount of ammunition when the police busted him for something unrelated. 300 rounds.
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