Best actor in a series.

Jason Schwartzman in Bored to Death. If you havenā€™t watched this series you are missing some great stuff. Ted Danson and Zach Galifinakis also crush in this series.


I got two. What happens when you get a show where the entire ensemble is good?

Fringe has Anna Torv(amazing), Joshua Jackson(completely redeemed himself from Dawsons Creek), John Nobel(another amazing actor, the best, but they're all good, he was Denethor in LotR), Lance Reddick(RiP). Even it's temp actors, like Kirk Acevedo(Band of Brothers) and Mark Valley(excellent actor, but the worst luck, check him out in Human Target) are great.

Babylon 5 was a space opera filled with stage actors, all trying to out-act eachother. Its an amazing tour de force of scenery chewing I don't think will ever be topped.
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