Do we tolerate the Adversary or unlawfully confront his minions ?

I understand his actions. Hopefully he gets the same treatment that satanists get when they defile the worship places of other religions which is basically "oh ok well you were just expressing your opinion so sorry to bother you". You see I was a member of a Fraternity a couple of decades ago. I went far into that fraternity. Then I became a Christian. As I went further I started to realize that there are satanic symbols all over this planet that the average person does not realize. If one researches who Baphomet or the Goat of Medes is they can see the pagan human sacrifice and sick practices they employed. But yet if you go to a very famous museum in Washington D.C you will see the Baphomet portrayed but they have George Washington head replacing the goat. The city of D.C is laid out like a pentagram from an aerial view. Now people can call this tin foil hat conspiracy theory crazy if they like but that does not change the verifiable truth that it was built that way. The Vatican is another example. With that said I do understand but to say I condone the illegality I have to give that thought. What I do see of no doubt is that he is destroying a minnow when he is surrounded by whales.
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