The only time I remember him saying anything about drinking was about his wife being a drunk.
So, who knows? I know me and my wife were the recipient of some of his comments in
my prayer post about having the ronna. And not in a positive way.
Exceedingly poor social skills.

And I realize he can read this on another device, or when he comes back. Maybe he’ll think about the stupid crap he says to people, and just stop doing that.

Fine to think it. Just stop posting it.
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Do his comments in the nekkid lady threads make anyone else's skin crawl?

I will say the timing of the drinking thing doesn't pass the sniff test, especially after he edited the BST post where he tried to punk Lonewolf yesterday.
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Time outs are what neutered America's men.
I have a 7 year old G-son that didn't work on.
2nd day in school this year another kid threw a shoe at him, he picked it up and threw it back saying "Pussy!"

He is my hope for the world.
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Exceedingly poor social skills.

And I realize he can read this on another device, or when he comes back. Maybe he’ll think about the stupid crap he says to people, and just stop doing that.

Fine to think it. Just stop posting it.
Never noticed. Username didn't stick out at all.

I rarely post and frequently delete long written out thoughts because I'm not invested or interested enough to explain/defend/whatever.

I drink a lot. I'm kinda ADD sober, it gets worse when I'm drunk, social media doesn't interest me in that state.
Never noticed. Username didn't stick out at all.

I rarely post and frequently delete long written out thoughts because I'm not invested or interested enough to explain/defend/whatever.

I drink a lot. I'm kinda ADD sober, it gets worse when I'm drunk, social media doesn't interest me in that state.
I spend way too much time on here.
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OP, get off this forum and make it happen!

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He took your advice lol

Ive never been an alcoholic, but Ive known some.
And I could have been one, I know it.

In my life Ive drank, maybe, 10 different times. Im talking from a sip to drunk, 10 different days/times.
Problem, for me, and, sadly, others, was that when I did, I typically WANTED to get drunk. For me it was an all or nothing affair.

Went to a Halloween party around Nov 1 or 2 of 2001 and got blind drunk. Blackout passout drunk.
@DCGallim likely knows most of the people I was with that night (and it's NOT their fault), and has probably seen a band that contains a bass player who took care of me that night. I was obnoxious, I was so drunk. And I thought I'd die, truly.
This guy, we'll just call him Z, and his boyfriend took care of me. They just helped get me off the floor and to a bed and getting me drinking some water and assured me that, in fact, I would not die.
I had a great time that night...until I didnt.
I slapped a friend in the face, not meaning to. My boss, who was a former 'dancer' caught me checking out her boobs. And I 'swam' across a hardwood floor. Embarrassing stuff.

The next day I had a horrible headache, was so hungover. I got to work (worked at the mall at the time) and threw up when the glass cleaning guy came by and did his job - the smell of the window cleaning solution caused an upchuck.

I knew that was it.
Until the next week.
The next week was a coworkers' birthday party. I had two shots and had every intention of getting drunk because there was a girl there that was already drunk and we'd been flirting earlier that day. I would not feel right about making a move on her sober, but if we're both drunk it's ok, right? Nah, probably not.
Anyway, she was cute and I wanted to make out, but I thought back to the week before and knew it wasnt worth it.

That was it, that was the last night.
I asked friends, one of whom I slapped in the face -and he had just got his lip pierced -, about this thing he did/was....straight edge.
Well, here I am. My friend, I didnt want to let him down by 'breaking edge' and so I didnt.
I'll always be thankful to Z for helping me that night
And to Josh for teaching me about straight edge.
Do his comments in the nekkid lady threads make anyone else's skin crawl?

I will say the timing of the drinking thing doesn't pass the sniff test, especially after he edited the BST post where he tried to punk Lonewolf yesterday.
Yes, and yes.
Do his comments in the nekkid lady threads make anyone else's skin crawl?

I will say the timing of the drinking thing doesn't pass the sniff test, especially after he edited the BST post where he tried to punk Lonewolf yesterday.
We have nekkid lady threads? I knew I shoulda stayed in school and got good at that reading stuff…
I hope the best for you. I still consume the devils drink, but at a much lower and slower pace. Stay at it, you will get there.
So anywho.

I'm one year and three weeks sober.

Cheers mates.

I didn't drink -that- much... but I just sort of, had a bad night, and decided that was the end of it.

So props to anyone else trying. Looking back on my college years especially, I know I said and did a lot of things I regret while under the influence that hurt people close to me. So, lesson learned a bit late, but better late than never.
I have gotten hooked on this stuff lately. But at $2 a bottle I have to pace myself. My local Lowe’s has it on clearance. That is bad. But I did grab some for .97c a bottle which is good.

In September 2021 the wife lost a granddaughter to alcoholism. I walk by pictures in the house and I see her face and my heart breaks. I kept my mouth shut until now, but her husband was an enabler.

My self, I love a cold beer. With all the medications I take drinking is put of the question. A few years ago the wife said that we should not become so impaired that we can't take care of each other. I have honored her wish. I still think and talk about taking a drink. Even have a couple of bottles in the house but I just don't crack the cap. I will buy a 12 pack of Budweiser Zero and drink a few of those but not often.

In my younger days I would get drunk. As I got older I wish u had a few of those days back.

Just ramblings of a old guy working third shift.

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In my younger days I would get drunk. As I got older I wish u had a few of those days back.
I wish I could have the money. My twenties $100-300 nights at the bar usually a couple times a week and min $40 almost every other night. It was fun at the time but in those five or six years that was a pile of money.
It's good to recognize the signs on your own and make your choice from that.

One of my Sailors had a problem drinking...he would show up well hung over very frequently. And probably still under the influence, too. His "Sea Dad" was a big ole West Virginia mountain boy and he had absolutely NO sympathy. Show up hung over or drunk? Too bad, there's work to be done. And if your head "happens to bounce off the work bench" with an assisted smack to the back of your head a time or two while you're nodding off, that's on you.

One day he just quite showing up drunk or hung over. He said it could see that writing on the wall and walking that path was not going to lead anywhere he wanted to go with the potential consequences.

Was he an "alcoholic"? Probably not, as his was a shift to responsible drinking, not acting like an adolescent partying all the time. Alcoholics can't do that. But his behavior was definitely taking him down that path.

A neighbor across the street from where I grew up is what my sister calls a "functioning alcoholic". He never drank at work, never got behind a wheel after drinking, etc. But when he gets home he ALWAYS has a beer in his hand and his level of sobriety varies because of it.

An alcoholic, to some extent or other, cannot control his drinking. He either must drink all the time (the extreme side), or can't stop when he starts, or always drinks under certain circumstances to the point of inebriation (like the guy across the street I mentioned).

If you recognize the signs, and what they mean to you, then you are well on your way to getting things under control. All I have to say about getting things under control is "do it". There are no half-measures with this if you really are an alcoholic, so don't lie to yourself about it.
Been sober 39+ years now. Last drink was a Bud Long Neck at the bowling ally bar at Holloman AFB in 1982. I had not planned on it being my last. But something happened the next day that woke me up. I did not want to risk there being no more second chances.
My wife and kids have never seen me take a drink. I like it that way.
It takes a little time, but eventually, being sober feels like the natural state. Going out to dinner costs a lot less too.
I cringe to think about how much I've spent on alcohol in my lifetime. I wouldn't say the money is wasted, but it's certainly a poor investment.
I good chunk of my "drunking" career was in Germany. Tax free liquor on base. Back then the 1.75L of Seagrams 7 was just $6.75.
I worked 2nd shift to reduce my drinking time. When I went on diets, I cut food but not beer.
Ironically, being a drunk saved me from drug possession charges when a friends room got busted when I was in there. Everyone knew I was a drunk and I looked to innocent to be a hash hound. :D (The guy whose room it was ended up deserting. Got called to testify at his court martial 18 years later when he got caught)
Been about 13 years for me and my last cigarrette was about 10 years ago. It was going to be the first tuesday in November 2012 but Obama won re- election and I smoked a pack that next day so it was the Thursday after that, that I had my last smoke. The obsession to smoke and drink are absolutely gone. Devine intervention is what it was.
I drank enough in my 20s to last the rest of my life... was around 30 when I just got tired of it all...
now, it's like I can taste alcohol like a poison dressed in a flavor. I can drink if I want, but it rarely tastes good.
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