F**king Interns

  • Thread starter Zedhound
  • Start date
  • Replies 23
  • Views 235


Interns at work on my last nerve. if i don't bitch and moan about it here i'm going to beat him silly with my keyboard.
I shouldn't have to explain the simplest fundamental tasks every week.
And if i can google the answer to your question in 30 sec you are wasting my time.

When i think of an extremely tedious and mind numbing project i'm going to give it to them as punishment.

End rant
Have they found the left handed level or the sky hook yet? Keys to the swimming pool? Basement access code?;) If not maybe they need to go a lookin'....
pharmaceutical research, a contract research org specifically
LizardKing said:
Have they found the left handed level or the sky hook yet? Keys to the swimming pool? Basement access code?;) If not maybe they need to go a lookin'....
making people do repetitive tasks is a form of torture, its needs to be more evil in nature, like copying and pasting 10000 lines one by one from a manual to a document or something.
Zedhound;n17481 said:
Interns at work on my last nerve. if i don't bitch and moan about it here i'm going to beat him silly with my keyboard.
I shouldn't have to explain the simplest fundamental tasks every week.
And if i can google the answer to your question in 30 sec you are wasting my time.

When i think of an extremely tedious and mind numbing project i'm going to give it to them as punishment.

End rant

Oh ok.....

the title made me think of a different direction I was wishing for. guess not.....
JBoyette;n17535 said:
Oh ok.....

the title made me think of a different direction I was wishing for. guess not.....

I see what you did there. lol
The next dumbshit who can't figure out how to put paper in the printer gets to untangle this:

Catfish said:
The next dumbshit who can't figure out how to put paper in the printer gets to untangle this:

i like it, none of that stuff is even used anymore. "HEY INTERN... GO UNTANGLE THE BOX OF SHAME!"
I shave my head to keep from pulling my hair out.

I once told a person to go and get a rock the size of an egg to put in my pocket. They asked why. My response was "so when I need to beat my head against a rock I wouldn't need far to go.

​​​​​I feel your pain.
Climberman;n17531 said:
This thread did not take the turn I was expecting based on the title. I even brought a cigar.

You sir, win the internet for today.
You guys have never had to deal with Army privates on a daily basis have you? They will drive you insane!
Hammer21b said:
You guys have never had to deal with Army privates on a daily basis have you? They will drive you insane!
i'm sure everyone would love to hear
You guys have never had to deal with Army privates on a daily basis, they'll drive you insane!
Just having about 50 kids, doing stupid kid things, most of them are right out of high school. We had spent some non appropriated funds to spruce up the Company area, about $5000 worth of plants, shrubs and flowers. Had a private in doing extra duty to weed the beds and spray some Roundup. I got a full bottle of Roundup, a sprayer and sat him down and gave him instructions on how to mix said Roundup. It made like 25 gallons. I went in my office and left him to getting it done. He came in about a half hour later and said he needed more Roundup. What!? You had 25 gallons worth, what'd you do with 25 gallons of Roundup? He had sprayed...everything! With the concentrated Roundup! I was ready to kill him! Everything died! I could've killed him where he stood! I had one idiot that would call in with his Grandmother who had died, she dies six times in two years! I guess he didn't thing I kept track of such things. Had one call in with his grandfather in the hospital and dying. His wife called right after I give him time off and told me she had him and his girlfriend locked up the night before. He'd used his one phone call to call and lie to me! Very bad move. Take them to war and they were great, back in Garrison they created problems.
Hammer21b;n17945 said:
Just having about 50 kids, doing stupid kid things, most of them are right out of high school. We had spent some non appropriated funds to spruce up the Company area, about $5000 worth of plants, shrubs and flowers. Had a private in doing extra duty to weed the beds and spray some Roundup. I got a full bottle of Roundup, a sprayer and sat him down and gave him instructions on how to mix said Roundup. It made like 25 gallons. I went in my office and left him to getting it done. He came in about a half hour later and said he needed more Roundup. What!? You had 25 gallons worth, what'd you do with 25 gallons of Roundup? He had sprayed...everything! With the concentrated Roundup! I was ready to kill him! Everything died! I could've killed him where he stood! I had one idiot that would call in with his Grandmother who had died, she dies six times in two years! I guess he didn't thing I kept track of such things. Had one call in with his grandfather in the hospital and dying. His wife called right after I give him time off and told me she had him and his girlfriend locked up the night before. He'd used his one phone call to call and lie to me! Very bad move. Take them to war and they were great, back in Garrison they created problems.

That's one thing I don't miss about the military... babysitting adults.
Zedhound said:
pharmaceutical research, a contract research org specifically
I feel for you, that is my wife's field and she has the same issue with new hires that can't even do a simple internet search.
Hmmmm. I'm applying for some internships come spring. Anything in particular I should do to really drive people crazy?
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