Food Lion finds US flag offensive

I still remember what they were called before changing their name to Food Lion. Man I'm getting old :(

Same here...I think I was around 9 or 10.

I remember seeing the bumper stickers they were handing out...

FOOD TOWN LION and the “TOWN” had a red slash through it.
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Our company just updated the mask guidelines. It's mostly not allowing gaiters and bandanas, but includes saying no writing on the mask with the exception of the company name. Oh, and they "suggest" neutral colors.
Our company just updated the mask guidelines. It's mostly not allowing gaiters and bandanas, but includes saying no writing on the mask with the exception of the company name. Oh, and they "suggest" neutral colors.

But if it’s camo, will they even see it?
Am I the only one that is offended by the flag mask’s existence?

It violates multiple sections of the US flag code and should not exist. Period. People wearing them are NOT showing respect for the flag.
No you are not the only one.
A uniform requirement is a uniform requirement. Having the flag on it doesn't make it exempt from the uniform requirements. If it did, I'm sure a lot more folks would be sporting US flag t-shirts to get out of the dumb uniforms a lot of workplaces require.

Nevermind that Food Lion sold flags, red white and blue stuff, and what passes for fireworks in NC just a few months ago. This isn't even news. Its just hot air.

Am I the only one that is offended by the flag mask’s existence?

It violates multiple sections of the US flag code and should not exist. Period. People wearing them are NOT showing respect for the flag.

Shhhh. People gotta have their outrage porn so they can chest-thump.
If a person can burn, stomp and put body fluids on the US Flag, I don't see why a person who wants to wear the flag on a mask, arm patch, etc. can not do so.
In my opinion, the SCOTUS got it WRONG, if I can't yell FIRE in a theater then I should not be able to damage the US Flag and consider that free speech.
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I never wore a current version American flag on a garment or even on a Tee shirt, thinking that's kinda reserved for people in uniform. I bought a Betsy Ross flag Tee shirt the day the sneaker thing blew up though, and I have no problem really with masks, or other garments that look "flagish" feeling it's an homage to, but not THE flag.

Just how I came up since Cub Scouts I suppose.
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