GRNC Alert: Pass Constitutional Carry on April 24


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Read the alert on GRNC's website

Gun Rights Supporters:

Last year, as House Bill 189 for permit-less concealed carry stalled, Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger said: “We've done away with the pistol purchase permit, which was the No. 1 goal of many of the gun rights groups for a long period of time. I just don't know if there's a need for us to delve into additional issues dealing with guns and people's 2nd Amendment rights.”

While partially true – and we thank Republicans for passing the pistol purchase permit repeal – Phil Berger is effectively saying that he believes HE should decide which of your rights you “need.”

Meanwhile, Florida and Nebraska, Louisiana, and South Carolina passed constitutional carry, bringing the number of states with permit-less carry to 29. Yes, North Carolina now lies within the minority of states which continue to deny this basic civil right to their citizens.

Thanks to Berger and other “you-have-enough-rights” naysayers at the General Assembly, HB 189 continues to languish in the House Rules Committee while North Carolina falls behind other freedom-loving red states.

Yes, North Carolina Republicans are falling behind even their own party in restoring your Second Amendment freedoms.

GRNC holds Republicans’ feet to the fire (again)
As always, Grass Roots North Carolina will follow through on its promises by delivering a petition with thousands of signatures calling for constitutional carry to Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger on April 24, on the opening day of the second year of the two-year legislative session.

And unlike certain other phony gun groups which exist solely to take your money, when GRNC delivers a message to the NC General Assembly, legislators listen.

If HB 189 doesn’t pass in this session, the bill will be dead.

What we need YOU to do RIGHT NOW
  • ATTEND the April 24 petition presentation: Please RSVP to [email protected] to confirm you attend. Take a day from work if you need to. Showing Berger we are serious is a lot easier if a few dozen constitutional carry advocates show up at his office.
  • Constitutional carry Petition presentation details:
WHAT: A limited gathering to present a hand truck with thousands of petitions to Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger, thereby delivering a clear message that Republicans should “remember who ‘brung ‘em to the dance.” We will also do a limited distribution of talking points to relevant Republicans.
WHEN: April 24, 10:00 AM EDT
WHERE: NC General Assembly Printed Bills office, 16 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601. SEE MAP AT BOTTOM BELOW.
: To tell legislators loud and clear that you will not let them dictate your civil rights
  • ASK OTHERS TO SIGN the petition: Even if you have signed (and we need you to sign if you haven’t), please pass the link along to like-minded friends and relatives, asking them to sign the petition. TIME IS GROWING SHORT. You can find the constitutional carry petition by going to:

You will note that I’m not asking for money. (At least not right now.) What GRNC needs – what YOU need – is to SHOW UP at the NC General Assembly at 16 West Jones St., Raleigh, NC 27601 on April 24 at 10:00 AM.

Please note that no legislative experience is required. We will have volunteers to guide you, including distributing literature to legislators.
With your help, GRNC will continue its nearly three decades of victory.

Armatissimi e liberissimi,

F. Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina
Executive Director, Rights Watch International
Radio host, Guns, Politics and Freedom
Author, Rules for ANTI-Radicals: A Practical Handbook for Defeating Leftism


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Does the current version still require completion of a safety course? Does it have any changes about educational property?
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No substantial changes to educational property.

It does technically require the completion of a course, with no enforcement mechanism or duty to disclose where you took your particular course...
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I'd say it's broken. The screen grab from above showed a 5000 goal, now it's 5500.

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I will be there

As will I… took the day off work too.😇😎

But they need to see a lot of people, not just the leftist goons that show up in dozens…

It’s amazing how many folks I know who refuse to take a day off work to go to the legislators, even when I offer to drive the whole 4 hours, and pay my own gas.. 🤨

They essentially would sit in a car at leisurely speed, chat with fellow gun folks, or just listen to headphones if they prefer… then go to legislators and make their sentiments known.. or just wear a GRNC polo & stand quiet as others talk..😕
Just remember, folks, there are a lot of commie mommies out there with nothing better to do than head to Raleigh whenever Daddy Bloomberg tells them to. Heck, most of them live ~10 minutes away at most.

GRNC is respectful of members' time and doesn't put out a broad call for attendance like this very often. Let's show up in force.
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This isn't about Pooper.

1) If the party votes as a unified block, they can override his veto, and we get the victory
2) If they hold the vote in both chambers and some RINOs drop the vote, they can be held accountable for that behavior in future primaries
3) If they vote to pass in both chambers but fail to override because of the aforementioned RINOs, we at least now have a paper record of the votes in favor, which makes it easier to push those legislators to do the same thing in the future
This isn't about Pooper.

1) If the party votes as a unified block, they can override his veto, and we get the victory
2) If they hold the vote in both chambers and some RINOs drop the vote, they can be held accountable for that behavior in future primaries
3) If they vote to pass in both chambers but fail to override because of the aforementioned RINOs, we at least now have a paper record of the votes in favor, which makes it easier to push those legislators to do the same thing in the future
So you are pretty much assuming it’s not gonna pass? OR if it does it will get the Pooper stamp of veto and NOT over ridden?

Not only do you need to lean heavily on the possible RINO’s but folks like Michael Wray ( D-Northampton/Halifax) that are voted out at the end of the term by a FAR left leaning replacement. They have nothing to lose to vote in favor of it. Especially if they plan to run as an R in anything.
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It would almost certainly pass if given a floor vote. The question is whether or not the vote would be unified for an override. My point is, even if the latter doesn't pan out, we will still get something positive out of it.

Very good point about Wray and any other primaried Dems. He could be key to an override.
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It would almost certainly pass if given a floor vote. The question is whether or not the vote would be unified for an override. My point is, even if the latter doesn't pan out, we will still get something positive out of it.

Very good point about Wray and any other primaried Dems. He could be key to an override.
He has nothing to lose as far as re election. He signed on as a sponsor ( it I remember right) of the Permit repeal only to be told by a prominent Sheriff of one of his counties he would not support him in re election if he voted for it. Then he didn’t back the bill because of that. By him losing his re election bid he SHOULD be free to vote however he wants to do so since he doesn’t have to worry about votes in November now. He might also use it as an F you shot to the Democrats who didn’t support him in his re election bid.
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My wife signed in that timeframe, so either she is the only one, or the tool isn't working right.
So it's been a decade or more since I have gone to the Legislative building, those visitor parking lots I don't recall being difficult to find a space in back then. Is it likely that parking spots will be fairly easy to find in one or all of the lots at that time of day, or should one expect to have to troll around for a while?
The problem is the senate leader who has publicly said they have done enough for gun owners this time by getting rid of the PPP.

“We have passed a substantial bill dealing with some concerns about (the) Second Amendment. We’ve done away with the pistol purchase permit, which was the No. 1 goal of many of the gun rights groups for a long period of time,” Berger told The News & Observer. “I just don’t know if there’s a need for us to delve into additional issues dealing with guns and people’s Second Amendment rights.”

He told the newspaper that he thinks “people have a constitutional right to protect themselves, utilizing weapons. I think that law-abiding citizens can be trusted to handle those rights responsibly. I just don’t know that the timing is right for us, at this time, to move forward with additional gun legislation.”
I agree but I think that old phil has shown his true colors and it wont make a difference. I hope and pray that I am wrong

Three things here:

1. This is an election year & there are republicans who need voters to turn out for them. There are democrats pissed at their own leadership & may vote for CC to spite them.😈

2. Your post is demoralizing, don’t do that when what we need is turnout more than ever. I took the day off work to do this, and we need others to do likewise.😉

3. That 29 states already have CC & there hasn’t been “blood flowing like rivers” so they have some cover.
This is absolutely the best time to ride the momentum to get a floor vote.

North Carolina is probably going to be the final state to get permitless CC for the foreseeable future, if we can get it done. It is not politically feasible in any other remaining state without major changes in the political makeup of the legislature or governorship.

As @M4gery4life said, I don't understand the motive for demoralizing your own side. It's one thing to just complain and say things are hopeless if you live in NY or CA (although that still wouldn't be productive), but if you act like that in North Carolina, where you currently have a real chance to make a difference, all you are doing is helping the enemy. How do you think things will ever change if we shrug our shoulders and do nothing? That is how you guarantee that the GOP will screw you. Hoping and praying for legislators to do what you want is not a strategy for success.
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Three things here:

1. This is an election year & there are republicans who need voters to turn out for them. There are democrats pissed at their own leadership & may vote for CC to spite them.😈

2. Your post is demoralizing, don’t do that when what we need is turnout more than ever. I took the day off work to do this, and we need others to do likewise.😉

3. That 29 states already have CC & there hasn’t been “blood flowing like rivers” so they have some cover.
I'm sorry if posting the truth is demoralizing but it needs to be said. We need to remember those people who stab us in the back or just believe that we don't matter
We all know Berger stabbed us in the back. Nobody is disputing that. In fact, that is specifically mentioned in the original post containing the GRNC Alert.

The question is what we do in response. "Complain and despair" is not an efficacious response to getting stabbed in the back by a legislator. Turning up the heat is what we need to do. Will you be there on Wednesday?
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Tim Moore wants to go to Washington. Constitutional carry presents a problem for Moore because he does not want to make anti-gun voters mad at him, but he also can't afford to disappoint too many pro-gun voters.

Berger is just a typical political jerk who rations successes to his own voters to have something to motivate them to support him in the future.

Convince Moore constitutional carry is good for him and let him convince Berger to go along.
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So it's been a decade or more since I have gone to the Legislative building, those visitor parking lots I don't recall being difficult to find a space in back then. Is it likely that parking spots will be fairly easy to find in one or all of the lots at that time of day, or should one expect to have to troll around for a while?

One mo 'gin. For those familiar with parking in the capitol vic:

Say someone is coming in from BFE, should they plan on showing up right in the middle of rush hour, to allow for time to try and find a spot, or can they come sliding in on two wheels at 9:50 and likely find a spot easy?
Made it there. Managed to park across the corner.

We started out by meeting in front of Berger’s office. Valone gave his talk. We then split up into several teams to go to the offices of the various GOP reps.

We shall see.
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