Here's a perspective on the misnamed Net Neutrality you won't see on CNN.

@noway2 - so why is gov regulation serving corporate interests good in the case of "net neutrality" but bad in the prohibition on municipal broadband
It isnt so much govt. regulation being inherently good or bad, but in both cases, they’re trying to use govt, or rather manipulate govt, to gain or guarantee profit.

Again, the issue is thst the consumer pays for access to what the consumer wants, not what the ISP, who is a veritable monopoly, has an interest in providing. it’s no confidence that that stupid GOP desi from Verizon heading the FCC ended the rules that we saw the leftist corporations all start censoring 2A and other issues.
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It isnt so much govt. regulation being inherently good or bad, but in both cases, they’re trying to use govt, or rather manipulate govt, to gain or guarantee profit.

Again, the issue is thst the consumer pays for access to what the consumer wants, not what the ISP, who is a veritable monopoly, has an interest in providing. it’s no confidence that that stupid GOP desi from Verizon heading the FCC ended the rules that we saw the leftist corporations all start censoring 2A and other issues.

Those corporations were favoring liberals big time during the Obama years. It didn’t start with Trump or changes at the FCC.

I don’t believe that the government tipping the scales to favor either side in a corporate battle is going to help me. Neither side has my interests at heart and getting the gov involved makes it more dangerous.

So still, no thanks.
If the corps are so bad and they have bought the pols as you have said then any Gov regulation will be written by the Corps and be just as bad. They will make it so they control the business and have such onerous regulations that only they can succeed. It is an old racket perfected by lots of Corporations. Who needs to build a monopoly when the Gov will just enact legislation to help you ge there?

if you leave it alone, technology will solve this. For example, 5G will make "unserved communities" a thing of the past anyway.

How is that going to happen?
Range and bandwidth are a lot higher on 5G. It won't fix everything, but it should cover everyone that has any kind of broadband option now :)
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