Iran attacking Israel

McCarthy was right. @HMP can loan you the book when he’s done with it. When the Soviet Union collapsed plenty of their spy network in the US was revealed. Hell we still have the Democratic Socialists which most of the Democrats are members, and is basically a Commie organization. The McCarthiasm line is a joke.
You know history has shown McCarthy was right, hmmm?
I assume you’re talking about the results of Venona.
He was partly correct. There were more americans acting as russian agents in higher level positions than the US knew, or at least than the US population knew, but their effect was not so great as he claimed and their effect on the political process was less than he claimed.
As you point out, there are whole books that strive to answer the question “was joe right?”
We’re all about the slap and tickle when some folks just needs a good whoopin, even if it means they never get up again. We have this judeo-christian belief that every life is special and sacred when in fact we reproduce like bunnies given sufficient resources and if anything is sacred it’s the soul and not the body
As a non Christian, this drives me nuts. I place zero sanctity on their lives. They are ideological enemies who have declared their desire for my destruction. Their tactics are reprehensible. While I would be content with live and let live, we are too far beyond that, and likely we’re back in the time of the Vikings. As I said, terrorism as a tactic can not be tolerated and if they’re going to employ it, let them be destroyed for it.
Interesting. I'd just call them "ignorant", and chuckle.
I’d be chuckling right beside you if the “ignorant” would leave the rest of us alone. But they don’t. Bunch of them currently blocking the Golden Gate Bridge, O’Hare and other places.
I’d be chuckling right beside you if the “ignorant” would leave the rest of us alone. But they don’t. Bunch of them currently blocking the Golden Gate Bridge, O’Hare and other places.
Could they just use lead bullets for less structural damage?
These ideological terrorists need to be evicted asap.
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I'm SO hoping for another political upset in the November election that will get those two retards out of the White House.

We have what...about 60 or so B-52 bombers currently in service, each with a 70,000 pound payload capacity?

Let's see...assuming a wingtip distance of 200 feet between each aircraft if flown in a straight line formation, each of which has a wingspan of 185 feet, that's almost a mile wide formation.

4,200,000 pounds of ordinance dropped along a mile wide path in Iran for as long as it takes, I say.

Oh, fun with numbers!

We have about what...300 C-130s? Each of which can carry one MOAB?

We need to quit pussyfooting around. We need to pull a Thomas Jefferson on these guys. "You know what? We're not paying you guys $#!+. If you f*ck with us, we're going to come after YOU with everything we have. And by "you" I mean "YOU". If your ships eff with us, we're going to come after YOU, your family, your palace, your dogs, and your cats. If your neighbor pulls $#!+, we're going to come after YOU, your family, your palace, your dogs, and your cats. And THEN we'll take care of your neighbor after we're done sifting through your ashes for leftovers. It will ALL start and end with YOU."
I'm SO hoping for another political upset in the November election that will get those two retards out of the White House.

We have what...about 60 or so B-52 bombers currently in service, each with a 70,000 pound payload capacity?

Let's see...assuming a wingtip distance of 200 feet between each aircraft if flown in a straight line formation, each of which has a wingspan of 185 feet, that's almost a mile wide formation.

4,200,000 pounds of ordinance dropped along a mile wide path in Iran for as long as it takes, I say.

Oh, fun with numbers!

We have about what...300 C-130s? Each of which can carry one MOAB?

We need to quit pussyfooting around. We need to pull a Thomas Jefferson on these guys. "You know what? We're not paying you guys $#!+. If you f*ck with us, we're going to come after YOU with everything we have. And by "you" I mean "YOU". If your ships eff with us, we're going to come after YOU, your family, your palace, your dogs, and your cats. If your neighbor pulls $#!+, we're going to come after YOU, your family, your palace, your dogs, and your cats. And THEN we'll take care of your neighbor after we're done sifting through your ashes for leftovers. It will ALL start and end with YOU."
Wouldn't it end with the neighbor, then?
I'm trying to decide, since I don't know who is the bigger threat, do I want to vacation in Israel or Iran when this all settles down?

Similarly, I want to buy a t-shirt with a squad member's face on it, but I don't know who is my favorite!
I’d be chuckling right beside you if the “ignorant” would leave the rest of us alone. But they don’t. Bunch of them currently blocking the Golden Gate Bridge, O’Hare and other places.

Yep, I agree. There's ignorance abound. Too many read a headline or watch 12 minutes of their favorite news channel and all-of-a-sudden, they're experts with strong opinions on the subject. When I was a younger man, I'd enjoy a bit of argument. But these days, it's truly comical what people think they know. I know what I don't know. I know I generally have 5% of the true story if it's in the media, especially if it's coming out of Washington D.C., Albany, N.Y. or Sacramento, C.A.

Interesting take, the idea that it was supposed to send a message of strength but also hopefully fail.
It's more than a little suspicious that something like 50% of their weapons misfired, and 99% were intercepted before reaching Israel. There's, "we're good," and there's, "yeah, this was helped."

It reminds me of this story of the shootdown of the F-117 over Serbia.

Yeah, an F-117 got shot down. But it was because we were being careless. Spies were watching the airfields, and knew only stealth bombers would be flying, and knew the path they would take. Which gave a chance for anti-air systems to be much louder and more aggressive than they ever would otherwise be, not fearing being shot at. And even then, only a 1:1,000,000 fluke allowed the shootdown.

The chances of of that strikes Iran sent being that ineffective are astounding, unless Iran wanted it to fail.

Still think we should curb stomp them.
This is Israel’s backyard, let them sort it out and figure out a way to exist without the US putting our thumb on the scale.
Yes until some Ragheads plant a Nuclear device in an American city. So what then, do we wait for Iran to turn civilized after that?
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Aaaaand, Iran, of course, spouting nonsense threats.

"Iran warned Thursday that if Israel retaliates against Iranian nuclear sites, the nuclear “doctrine” in Tehran could change, in an apparent threat to begin nuclear weapons production in the event of escalation."

So...Iran threatens to produce nuclear weapons if Israel attacks their nuclear sites which were built as part of Iran's nuclear weapons development program. A nuclear weapons program which continues to enrich their stockpiles of already enriched uranium closer to weapons grade.

Maybe they should ask Iraq what they think about what Israel thinks about such threats, given the events of June 7th, 1981.

Or, for that matter, maybe they should reconsider what THEY thought about such matters when Iran bombed the Iraq reactor about a year prior to Israel.
Can we pick the city?

Which city wouldn't be difficult to narrow down.

Such a target city would likely be a coastal city, in terms of accessibility.

It would also likely be one of a very significant population, combined with significant economic status.

The reasons for this are several, but the biggest reasons would be the economic and psychological impact on the United States plus the psychological import of the literal obliteration of huge numbers of U.S. citizens to foreign enemies.

On the East Coast, this probably means New York City would be the number one target. Over 8 million in population, the largest global economic center in the United States, largest shipping port on the East Coast (and third largest in the country). There would be the added psychological boost to a successful attack there because of the fact that it was the target of major successful terrorist attacks in 2001.

There are several other viable East Coast targets which can be listed in whatever order of significance one cares to make.

On the West Coast, Los Angeles would be the largest, at a population of 3.8 million (and a Metropolitan Statistical Area of over 13 million in population). It supposedly has the largest economy in the United States and handles one fifth of the total shipping import business for the entire nation.

Rank the remaining West Coast cities how you wish.

My opinion, which won't get you a cuppa joe unless you add some dollars of your own to it.

There are lots of other targets that could be picked for any number of reasons. Smaller coastal areas which would show "nobody's safe", even if the populations and social/economic/political impact is minor. Imagine sailing a boat up a coastal waterway to blow up McClellanville, SC, population 605. Trillions would be spent trying to "make every little podunk coastal village safe" (and at the added expense of loss of even more liberties and rights to U.S. citizens).
Again, I am not sure what one has to do with the other....

It is matter or resources and priorities. If you with your knowledge and experience can’t see the problem we are well truly screwed. Or maybe I’m just off in the head for not giving s crap about Niger when we have larger issues at home.
It is matter or resources and priorities. If you with your knowledge and experience can’t see the problem we are well truly screwed. Or maybe I’m just off in the head for not giving s crap about Niger when we have larger issues at home.

I'm tracking. To me it's not binary. More than one thing can be important, and be important for the same or different reasons.

Do I think there could be issues with us kicked out of Niger? Yep. Do I think El Paso also deserves resources and priorities? Also yep.
Which city wouldn't be difficult to narrow down.
I would say Wash DC. The occupants are criminals and so are a lot of the residents. It would have a major psychological impact cutting the head off of the evil snake. Biggest reason I see it not getting picked is that it would be doing the rest of the US a big favor.

Another option, if you want to maximize carnage and destruction would be a large (e.g. 50 MT) surface blast in a place like Raleigh. The resulting fallout cloud would irradiate much of the eastern seaboard up through NE.

One of the things I read is that an air blast doesn’t generate the fallout (dust and dirt) that a surface blast does. I’ve read that within 48 hours most of the radiation is gone and it’s typically safe within two weeks with an air blast. So, while smaller, a rogue state using something like a suitcase nuke would have a tendency to be dirty.
Yeahhhh....I am not down with being OK in having a city nuked.

None of us would be, however you must think about your enemy's real intentions.
The prize. America of course. The big, fat, rich, soft Country ready for the plucking. 🙁

The question that all we face today is. Will a well armed populace rise up to retain their liberties & Freedoms?
So far we have received a royal plucking at the hands of Domestic Communist & their really working overtime.

Have you been watching our Youth & the way they jump to & fro on everything. If it's new we want it now!
These are not the Children of the WWII generation, far from it. It's our youth that take the helm when we pass.
Little shit flies in a world of Spiders, flitering around while your enemies sneak up & cut your throat.

We need to reduce our CO2 footprint. WTF did they say? Reduce the CO2 & kill the plants, that's a fine Idea fer sure.
Stand for terrorist, Kill your own Offspring, on & on it goes. It looks like a large group of stupid spoiled children who
have been given total control by their own Parents. They can't even figure out that more CO2 is good for the earth.

While I put little weight in them … back in the 80’s the predictions of Nostradamus started to become the rage … everything from Hitler to 9/11. One of the big future quatrains interpreting the end of civilization/WWIII would start not by a superpower but by a small county in the Middle East. For the past few decades we’ve had Ayatollah Khomeini to Saddam with others mixed in … it looks like we got another powder keg going now. The bad thing is even a broke clock gets it right if enough time passes. Thing are more unstable in general with each passing year … something has to give one way or the other …sometime.
If I had just one nuke and wanted to hurt the US, I’d probably destroy Mexico city. Lower risk of being stopped and secondary effects probably at least as great as hitting NYC directly.
I would say Wash DC. The occupants are criminals and so are a lot of the residents. It would have a major psychological impact cutting the head off of the evil snake. Biggest reason I see it not getting picked is that it would be doing the rest of the US a big favor.

Another option, if you want to maximize carnage and destruction would be a large (e.g. 50 MT) surface blast in a place like Raleigh. The resulting fallout cloud would irradiate much of the eastern seaboard up through NE.

One of the things I read is that an air blast doesn’t generate the fallout (dust and dirt) that a surface blast does. I’ve read that within 48 hours most of the radiation is gone and it’s typically safe within two weeks with an air blast. So, while smaller, a rogue state using something like a suitcase nuke would have a tendency to be dirty.

These people aren't going to be using a megaton range nuke, not for the foreseeable future anyway. But then, they don't have to be megaton yield to destroy cities. We proved that with Nagasaki and Hiroshima nearly 8 decades ago.

What these people want is a nuclear device they can easily slip into the country to a chosen target.

And keep in mind that they DON'T need a long range missile, if the use of a missile is desired. Nor even one that's all that accurate. Park a ship off the coast somewhere in international waters (just over 12 nautical miles from land) and launch from there. Any number of the POS missiles we've seen being lobbed around in the Middle East would qualify as a viable missile. The Scud missiles used in the early '90s had a range of 185 miles. Unless we had a heads up on such a ship, there's NOTHING we have in place that would intercept such a missile between the time it was detected and the time it reached its target scant minutes later.

And what targets would be desirable? Well, obviously high value targets like those we've mentioned would be top of the list of Grade-A Prime targets...but the fact is that ANY successful nuclear attack on the United States would be an absolute win for these people.

And these guys have proven more than two decades ago in 2001 that they CAN make a very successful, well coordinated attack of several targets, simultaneously.

Imagine what we would call a "low yield" nuke being detonated from aboard a small boat parked in the shipping harbors of, say, NYC, Galveston, and Los Angeles while at the same time a small handful of boats launched some low yield nukes at random targets within 200 miles of the coastline. Coastline, mind you, of which we have TENS OF THOUSANDS OF MILES worth. Maybe toss in the odd aircraft or two, as well.

Their goal isn't "defeat"'s "terror". Terrorism being the use of violence and intimidation, especially against noncombatants, to affect some sort of political change/benefit to the terrorist organizations.

To that end, "success" could be the successful detonation of a nuke in the middle of an unoccupied desert in the United States because of the psychological terror effect it would have.
These people aren't going to be using a megaton range nuke, not for the foreseeable future anyway. But then, they don't have to be megaton yield to destroy cities. We proved that with Nagasaki and Hiroshima nearly 8 decades ago.

What these people want is a nuclear device they can easily slip into the country to a chosen target.

And keep in mind that they DON'T need a long range missile, if the use of a missile is desired. Nor even one that's all that accurate. Park a ship off the coast somewhere in international waters (just over 12 nautical miles from land) and launch from there. Any number of the POS missiles we've seen being lobbed around in the Middle East would qualify as a viable missile. The Scud missiles used in the early '90s had a range of 185 miles. Unless we had a heads up on such a ship, there's NOTHING we have in place that would intercept such a missile between the time it was detected and the time it reached its target scant minutes later.

And what targets would be desirable? Well, obviously high value targets like those we've mentioned would be top of the list of Grade-A Prime targets...but the fact is that ANY successful nuclear attack on the United States would be an absolute win for these people.

And these guys have proven more than two decades ago in 2001 that they CAN make a very successful, well coordinated attack of several targets, simultaneously.

Imagine what we would call a "low yield" nuke being detonated from aboard a small boat parked in the shipping harbors of, say, NYC, Galveston, and Los Angeles while at the same time a small handful of boats launched some low yield nukes at random targets within 200 miles of the coastline. Coastline, mind you, of which we have TENS OF THOUSANDS OF MILES worth. Maybe toss in the odd aircraft or two, as well.

Their goal isn't "defeat"'s "terror". Terrorism being the use of violence and intimidation, especially against noncombatants, to affect some sort of political change/benefit to the terrorist organizations.

To that end, "success" could be the successful detonation of a nuke in the middle of an unoccupied desert in the United States because of the psychological terror effect it would have.

So many scenarios: the boat like you mentioned; multiple parts ingressed and assembled in the US, transported by truck anywhere; a low-yield backpack bomb. Most cities are juicy targets; most casualties and most fear. Biggest bang for the buck. Somewhere to make a political statement (DC), economic statement (LA, NYC) or cultural statement (NYC). But I agree anywhere would achieve their goals of terror.

See 1983 movie Special Bulletin: , boat-based snall-yield nuke in Charleston, SC.

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Or stick it in a tourist sightseeing plane/copter and go for a precise airburst over the exact spot you choose.
To that end, "success" could be the successful detonation of a nuke in the middle of an unoccupied desert in the United States because of the psychological terror effect it would have.
I read a book back in the 90s, it may have been a Tom Clancy book, I don't recall. The premise was that the US went to war against a collection of Japanese corporations who were planning a nuclear attack. One of their tactics, using sleeper agents, was to smuggle the small nuclear bombs in new cars that were being imported. The put them in place of the refrigerant collector in the AC unit and the only symptom anyone would notice was that the AC didn't work. I don't remember the details, but somehow one of them got detonated in a remote part of Montanna or Wyoming and I recall the part at the end of the book where the US president was telling the Japanese leader that if he (president) were to advertise to the US population that the Japanese detonated a nuke "where the deer and antelope roam" that the American people would never buy their products ever again. Well, that was 90s thinking at least, these days, well look at the crap we continue to buy from China. Too bad they didn't stay a closed society.
Oh, they are. Play by China's rules.
No import, made in China, everything exported.

Oh, they "import" a lot. A TON, in fact.

So long as you're counting intellectual, corporate, and industrial properties, patents, and copyrights that is.
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