Man Kills Child Predator

Piano wire around his genitals then cauterize it so he stays conscious as long as possible feet first in the wood chipper. First scream his junk goes in his mouth and duct taped shut.
I used to think this would be appropriate. My thoughts have evolved into thinking the orbs that need to be removed are his eyes.
No more kiddy porn, no visual stimulus, no ability to gawk at the kids at the park.
The dude he smoked was 37 years old and showed up because he believed he was going to have sex with a minor…

MFer was guilty…he intended to engage in sex with a minor.

If I discharge a weapon at someone, without reason or cause, they’re gonna lock my ass up and I’d imagine one of the charges would be AWD…with intent.
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While I am not mourning the loss, I would want more info before I get all hot and bothered about praising this dude as a hero. I would want to know what exactly the chat was, how it was initiated, and what exactly was in it. Again, I am not defending the dude who was shot, but would want to know more about what happened.
The only way a child molester should ever be let out of prison is after they’ve been castrated.
Complete emasculation with a hatchet

This morning during my usual "deep thoughts while in the shower", I was thinking about if I was running for office, what would I say when people asked me about lgbtq etc. that thought lead me to my normal phrase of "consenting adults". Of course, since it was a political thought process, I thought about strawman arguments somebody would throw at me to try to gin up a clever soundbite to use against me, and figured it would come down to "minor attracted persons". No. There will be no splitting hairs. I would make it very clear that pedophiles and rapists do it because they are monsters - the act of sex itself is not their motivation, so things like castration, or chemical castration are half-measures that we KNOW won't stop the problem. Death will.

Piano wire around his genitals then cauterize it so he stays conscious as long as possible feet first in the wood chipper. First scream his junk goes in his mouth and duct taped shut.
As others have said in other threads - no need for show, no need for sick pleasures. Make them un-alive with a brainstem shot and move on. Televise it so that people understand the gravity, but don't sensationalize it.
"John Doe was found guilty of raping children and sentenced to death. We will now conduct the execution as demanded by the jury of his peers. (boom)"
Or more likely there would be many at once. Just seat them in front of pipe guns for simultaneous deathification, read their names, pronounce their crimes, state that they are to be rendered neutral of harm. one switch, all shots. The end(s).
This morning during my usual "deep thoughts while in the shower", I was thinking about if I was running for office, what would I say when people asked me about lgbtq etc. that thought lead me to my normal phrase of "consenting adults".
Respond by singing, “old Macdonald had a farm, lgbt-eieieo”.
I won’t shed a tear for the dead guy. I do hate that we’re unable to convict and punish criminals in a more cost effective and timely manner.

I think the guy would have accomplished more by putting together an instagram account and some tiktok video of the conversations and then video and pics of who showed up. Shame him online, mail copies to every address within a few blocks of his home, mail copies to a dozen executives where he works, mail copies to every school and church within a few miles of his church, and then let the law take over. Also create a go-fund-me page to collect donations to do it again and again.

About convicting the shooter, I don’t think he understood the ramifications of his actions, so couldn’t vote to convict.
This is how easy it is, You need to watch this if you have kids.

Ooohhh, taking the law into their own hands. :rolleyes:

If the freaking legal system doesn't like people who refuse to sit on their thumbs, call 911 and wait for the orc army to do, well, usually nothing, and when they do have some stupid leftist turkey DA let them go, aw hell, everyone here knows the story, then they should start doing their job or get out of the way and go home!
Doesnt the FBI do such as this all the time. Even where people only associated with criminals suddenly an agent has them joining the Klan and building blow up devices and before you know it in prison. A road to privatization is what this is. Can we get vouchers for private law enforcement???
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