meanwhile in NYC a judge claims the second amendment does not exist here...

Heed The Call!

DONATE TO THE FEW ORGANIZATIONS WITH A CURRENT (STELLAR) TRACK RECORD OF BITCH-SLAPPINā€™ Anti-2A activist judges - and their asinine decisions / opinions, DOWN

TODAY! . . . NOW!



Suppressed .22 from a hundred, would be my preferred solution to such an issue.
Till that starts happening, these commies will just keep on, keeping on.
Commies are Vermin, no bag limitšŸ¦
Canā€™t decide which communist to give my click (and related tracking data) to.
Sounds about right. Dont know why anyone would live there or NJ for that matter. A friend of mine, student of the gun and dearly departed, grew up in NJ and spent half his short life there, said one time he felt the years he lived in Draconian lawed but crime ridden NJ were wasted years of his life.
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