Mexican lawsuit against gun mfrs can proceed

“seeking to hold American gun manufacturers responsible for facilitating the trafficking of weapons to drug cartels”
So these pieces of dog squeeze manufacture and ship deadly drugs here, fight for open borders to do so, then think they can get MORE free money from us.
Go after Eric Holder & OhBummer ye arseholes!
Just more political theater and virtue signaling. I cannot see the suit making it to trial.
The funny part is that they frequently complain about military grade select fire assault rifles, RPGs, mortars and stuff. Which is not openly sold in the US which means it most likely came from military sources (hello Mexican military?)...
An Attorney General from a gun free state should sue mexico for not prosecuting the drug cartels and allowing the flood of illegal drugs into this county. That has more merit than mexico's lawsuit against the gun manufacturers.
Yeah but 10 billion pesos is like what???? A hundred and fifty dollars on a Taco Bell gift card?

Who has the time.
I've always thought we should annex Mexico, and add their states to ours. Once they get their tax bills and realize what it costs to get their free stuff, they'd revolt and secede anyway.
I've always thought we should annex Mexico, and add their states to ours. Once they get their tax bills and realize what it costs to get their free stuff, they'd revolt and secede anyway.
Do we really need more crap hole cities full of people eager to get a first world standard of living from the government?

We would be better off making crossing the border illegally straight up suicide and just wait for the free crap migrants to quit dying on it.
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