Rep Chip Roy Schools Jerry Nadler

Nadlers question of Would you use them against American troops is a clear indicator that yes indeed those s’elected elites would use the american troops against We The People….sleep with one eye open America

Exactly. Why the question if the circumstance of the topic wasn't the goal.

Tyranny, resistance, troops, revolt.
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I never click on these titles, especially if it’s in all caps. I did because it’s CFF.
The title would have been honest if Nadler was on the ground not moving with his teeth and blood strewn about.
Chip made a solid argument, that most of us are well aware of.


I never click on these titles, especially if it’s in all caps. I did because it’s CFF.
The title would have been honest if Nadler was on the ground not moving with his teeth and blood strewn about.
Chip made a solid argument, that most of us are well aware of.
I wish he would’ve responded to Nadler’s ridiculous question about using semiautomatic weapons against troops with, “if the government decides to use troops against American citizens, what other option do they have? That is precisely the point of the 2A.”
At least...the very congressman will engage in this. There should be a line if congress people ready to engage Nadler's question.
Look at the meaning, or rather belief and position behind the penguin’s words: he was aghast at the idea that people might actually fight back, rather than submit to subjugation.
well of course he's having trouble understanding what human people think. he's not a human person. people have bilateral symmetry and he is clearly more radially symmetrical. Kind of like a giant starfish, of the chocolate variety.
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