Thoughts on Tom and Giselle, me and Carole


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Mar 1, 2017
Spring Hope NC
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I am not claiming to be a super athlete (on the WAY lower end of that scale!, even in my youth) nor a wealthy powerful man, nor compare myself to this uber alpha Brady. He is a giant in his field and I am under no delusions I am "like" Brady. Of course women are attracted to those types.

HOWEVER, I can tell you categorically that women are also attracted to risk takers and men on the outskirts of society. They are intrigued and drawn to the unorthodox, unusual and (interestingly enough) the "bad boys." Then they marry and begin trying to hammer those same men into models of security, stability, and predictability. This is Gisele and Tom. It has been the story of many of my friends, my brother, and brother in law. I myself was extremely unorthodox in my pre marriage years and did almost nothing "normally." Huge (sometimes crazy) risks. I promise you would want to hear the stories. It was exciting to her, appealing, and thrilling. "How people normally do it" had no place at all in my reasoning and planning. This had its good sides and bad sides and I have experienced both.

Now those very areas are horrifying, threatening, and causes of great tension. We celebrate 44 years in a few months, so I have obviously had to give a little (as has she). My funniest line from some of the spectacular arguments we have had over the years was "WHY, whenever you find yourself in the middle of the road about ANYTHING, do you immediately begin looking for a ditch to swerve into?" Called me to a "T". It is a weird dance, this male/female thing. For love to "win" in life, you simply must die to who you are at times in order to serve another person. The woman must "die" to a whole different set of drives, but the call to - in effect- murder a part of who you are... that is at the core of learning to love. That is a very very tough lesson. It is made harder when you are so successful you can wave your hand and make things conform to your wishes (the wealthy and powerful).

I hope for reason, humility, and most importantly, love for Tom and Gisele. I don't see much hope in them finding that resource within themselves, which is the normal place people look...., even more so for "successful" people. I wish them the best, and am beginning to understand that spectacular success would have utterly ruined me, and made me happy to be a little man.
I knew a counselor who said that women work to destroy their man, and that a man must somehow not be defeated by her, but also keep her love and respect. At the time, it made no sense to me.
Ultimatums from woman suck.

“Do this or I’ll leave”

Enjoy your trip.
Had a friend. Her ex said, I’m going to the bar. While I’m gone you figure out what you need to do to fix our marriage or something to that effect. She said she woke her daughter up, gave her a garbage bag and they put all his things in bags and put it on the front porch.
I think women are attracted to the "power" of renegades as it implies the ability to survive and overcome in a hostile environment (knight/warrior). Which implies "security", but the other side of the security is providing and sheltering.
When viewed from a basic reptilian/animal perspective of needing to provide an environment condusive to reproduction and raising of offspring, it makes a little more sense.

Many years ago, I read a book, written by a woman that explained that men and women are still subconsciously driven by the reptilian parts of our brains. Parts that influence the most basic instincts of survival and reproduction. It discussed how these instincts shaped and differentiated men's and women's behavior. A lot of pieces fell into place for me.

Love is not doing what you want to do, no matter how difficult or extreme. Love is doing what you don't want to do, no matter how difficult or mundane.
Well, he is worth roughly $250 million and she is worth roughly $400 million … at least she ain’t about his money.
I think she temporarily parked her success for his success and focused on family. And when he reniged on it being her turn up front and his turn with the family, she said screw you!

I believe the term, her turn, has actually been used in the turmoil.
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This one fascinates me. In this case, I think she saw his degradation of skills, and tried to get him to go out while he was "on top". Maybe she thought an ultimatum would get him to re-evaluate and maybe not un-retire.
It would be way too difficult and pointless for me to try to put into proper words exactly how little I care about Tom Brady and his personal life. I commented here only because I needed to validate actually thinking about Tom Brady and his personal life for this small smidge of time.
Well, he is worth roughly $250 million and she is worth roughly $400 million … at least she ain’t about his money.
Pfff. Wanna bet? If they don’t have an ironclad prenup, she gon’ take at least half his stuff & if they have kids, you know he’ll get raped on child support, if not alimony. Doesn’t matter if they need it, they’re gonna grab everything they can on the way out.
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Pfff. Wanna bet? If they don’t have an ironclad prenup, she gon’ take at least half his stuff & if they have kids, you know he’ll get raped on child support, if not alimony. Doesn’t matter if they need it, they’re gonna grab everything they can on the way out.
Interesting. I have just been introduced to one of these Youtube shorts/Tik Tok personalities (did not know that was a "thing" Her name is Pearl, and she is really big on men's vulnerabilities in marriage, how the "rules" are stacked against them, and why if she were a male, she would not risk it. Very interesting person. A lot of truth in what she says.

I will just say I found one of the good uns.
Story I heard was she is a Wicca and has been using her powers to aid his performance. Now that they are splittsville he sucks. Coincidence? 😂
I read that too. Told my buddy and he said let's see. Bet against Brady and won. Says he believes in witchcraft now🤣
Gisele must have her sights on Jeff Bezos or Tiger Woods. 😃
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Pfff. Wanna bet? If they don’t have an ironclad prenup, she gon’ take at least half his stuff & if they have kids, you know he’ll get raped on child support, if not alimony. Doesn’t matter if they need it, they’re gonna grab everything they can on the way out.
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