Two gun bills in TN


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Dec 16, 2016
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Searching for the term Tennessee didn't reveal any obvious hits on this, so I thought I would post. As usual these days, the journalism is poor and presents an obvious (left) bias. Here's part of the article, and my question / comment follows:

Two bills in the state assembly and state senate, HB 254 and SB 2523, would amend Tennessee law and designate "a person who has been issued an enhanced handgun carry permit" as a member of law enforcement.

"As introduced, expands the definition of 'law enforcement officer' to include a person who has been issued an enhanced handgun carry permit; provided, that the permit is not suspended, revoked, or expired, for purposes of authority to carry a firearm under certain circumstances," the summary for the bill reads on the Tennessee General Assembly website.
State Rep. Christopher Hurt, the lead sponsor for the state House bill, didn't immediately respond to messages from ABC News for comment. A representative for state Sen. Joey Hensley, who introduced the state Senate version of the bill, told ABC News in a statement that "the bill only allows you to carry a gun where police can, but it does NOT make you a police officer." The representative did not provide more clarification.
Emphasis mine. So, is that what these bills do? Say that a citizen can carry their gun in the same place that their fellow citizens, who just happened to purse a certain job path, can carry theirs? Or is it something different?

Oh and this statement is rich:
Lodge President Scottie DeLashmit said police officers in the state spend "spend countless hours" on the gun range honing their marksmanship skills and must qualify annually with the same weapons.
Yeah, about that. A few years ago, according to the Guilford County Sheriff Dept, the deputies are given one box of 50 rounds annually to practice with and the qualification consists of getting so many hits on a stationary silhouette target. How many here spend a lot more time practicing and training under far more demanding scenarios?
Most cops are not gun guys. I asked a copper one time what they issued him to carry. He new it was a glock but not the model or caliber.
Saw this in my news feed earlier. Lots of tears flowing over this slight change that just let's people with permits carry everywhere in the state. I too have done quite a bit of training with cops (from IL and Chicago). Some were solid. Most were scary.
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The department I'm with starts range days in March and goes till November . Range days is pistols, an ar. We carry Glock 22 and was assigned backup pistols Glock 43. We have a firearms instructor there with us working on shooting drills with pistols and ar. We train with ar and pistols shooting while moving. I'm getting better at the moving and shooting to be accurate.

I've seen a lot of guys and girls that couldn't shoot well become good marksman.

I've seen officers not oil their arms and battery on red dot be dead. Crazy it's your life line and you would be surprised that some don't come to range day.
OK, so what irritates me about these types of responses is this: Where in the US do we see firearm behavior that reminds us of the wild west?? Democrat-led urban cities, that's where.

These idiots are only trying to scare people away from supporting these bills.
Just keeps getting better. When I moved to Ft Campbell on the KY/TN stateline in 86', TN did have a concealed carry permit but was only issued by the county you resided in and only good for that county. Davidson County (Clarksville) wasn't prone to handing them out and then I couldn't carry in Nashville. Open carry was limited to Army and Navy pistols (1860 law) Hence I moved into KY. While they didn't have any concealed carry, they allowed open carry without restiction throughout the state.

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Saw this in my news feed earlier. Lots of tears flowing over this slight change that just let's people with permits carry everywhere in the state. I too have done quite a bit of training with cops (from IL and Chicago). Some were solid. Most were scary.
I used to service systems at a range that was LEO only. Checked in with the RO one day, everyone on the line saw me (sniper training day,all bolt guns) activated the service light in the control booth which turned on service lights visible at the line and the trap, went behind the trap to service the air compressor that ran the flipper targets. Was doing my thing and just about to finish up and KABOOM!!
Booger hook on the bang switch and I can hear a .308 round rattling around in the trap. Trap is supposed to be good up to .50 cal. I can attest to the .308. Still did not make me feel good about it. When I got back to the line I used every slur and curse word I could think of and created a couple of new ones. RO wouldn’t say who did it but I’m fairly confident I knew based on the body language of the guys standing around.
Moral of the story there is even among the LEO‘s receiving specific training not every one of them are gunny. A lot of them look at a gun the same way I look at a meter or a crescent wrench. Just a tool to do their job with. along with a lot of of fellow forum members are likely putting more rounds down range in a year than your average LEO.
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