"We can have em, but YOU can't"

Who wants to live like that?
Completely absurd...yet New Yorkers gladly file in, one sheep after another.
I'd pay to see some of them sprint two city blocks wearing that gear...
And note the angle of the photo...the classic upward shoot to make it seem like we're looking at someone 7 feet tall.
Don't worry. These Goliath's will save you.

Now get back behind the barricade and shut up.
First dude is clearly not an operator, no gloves. Second dude seems to be a gal?
I doubt that they even had any boolits in them gats. They be all show. Typical security theater designed to intimidate the sheep. Reminds me of going to federal (bankruptcy) court over that issue I'm facing with a crooked contractor. They make a worthless show of trying to intimidate you, but it's a complete farce to where if there were a real threat, they'd be up a sewage creek without a canoe. Once you see the emperor has no clothes, you can't see things the same way.
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