Why Oak means security: or wood stove love

  • Thread starter Lawless
  • Start date
  • Replies 7
  • Views 404


This past Thursday night, it was about 18* here. Aprox 10:30, the power goes out. Of course we have hot hydrocarbons going on in the wood stove but some of my neighbors have heat systems that depend on power. I called the ones on my street and told them to come over if the power did not come back on soon and we would sit around and have a party LOL. It did come back on after 2 hours but...

It just makes it really apparent when something we have grown so dependent on goes away, even for a few hours in conditions that could be dire.

Here's to dry oak and a place to use it.


Nothing like a wood fired furnace for keeping the house warm!

Got a nice, big fireplace too. The dogs, the Mrs., and I enjoy getting toasty in front of it during the worst of winter.

how i wish i had a fireplace here. if i end up moving the wife out here, the house will have a fireplace or wood cook stove.
This is our first winter with a real way to heat with wood. Popped this bad boy into our old fireplace and now it's a viable heat source.

Also makes for a handy way to dry finishes. :)

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