Military Memes

Sorry, but this made me laugh a Mug years were a bit further "back in the day", in the decade of decadence, when the worlds most physically fit alcoholics roamed Fayette'Nam during hours of limited visibility 7 days a week


One of my good friends was a grunt in the 82nd, now a paramedic, going to PA school. He has a very fast, wicked sense of humor. We were eating lunch a few months ago when he was visiting the area and someone saw his 82nd airborne hat and made a comment similar to "I would have joined but the first time my drill sergeant made me mad I would have punched him in the face". My buddy, without missing a beat, said"sit yourself down meal team 6, you're breathing heavy."
Ya know. I kinda thought the same thing when I was young. But also knew and said the truth in conversation.

"I'd probably get so mad I "would swing" on my drill. Promptly have my ass handed to me and become a daily target". Made fun of the guys who claimed they would whip someone even then🙄

Looking back. I know I wouldn't have even had the will power to buck up, much less swing and my childish temper would have been abolished in boot camp out of hs instead of lasting into my 30's...

Fun fact. The worst whipping I took in school was from a 5'5" hotheaded kid (I deserved every last bit though) who was 155lbs to my 225lbs (fat) at the time. He had a light switch temper, always an issue with our coaches and always getting into it with teammates or opponents during football games.

Heard he joined up after HS. Hadn't heard anything in years. Then just recently, randomly ran into his little brother who told me he's in some sf unit currently. Around 20 years in and isn't retiring.

"Yeah boy, your a pure teenage badass, your to much of a stallion to be broken and put into use by basic"🙄😘🤣
LMAO... Need to send the army a copy. One of the soldiers in my son-in-laws unit married a gal off the pole just months before deployment. Just long enough to get all the DEERS paperwork done and get her on all the accounts. Guess what - he came home to an empty bank account and empty apartment.

Not to be deterred, a couple of years later, he repeated this process, with similar results.

Not once, but twice. I have no words...
LMAO... Need to send the army a copy. One of the soldiers in my son-in-laws unit married a gal off the pole just months before deployment. Just long enough to get all the DEERS paperwork done and get her on all the accounts. Guess what - he came home to an empty bank account and empty apartment.

Not to be deterred, a couple of years later, he repeated this process, with similar results.

Not once, but twice. I have no words...
I guess I wouldn't make it in the military for sure. The one time I.... Interacted with a stripper I gave her a fake name lol
I guess I wouldn't make it in the military for sure. The one time I.... Interacted with a stripper I gave her a fake name lol
Real first name only is fine. don't give them your number, or address. If they meet any of your friends, make sure your friends are good enough friends that they don't give her any of that info.
Also, make sure you have dirt on that friend that he doesn't want getting out.
LMAO... Need to send the army a copy. One of the soldiers in my son-in-laws unit married a gal off the pole just months before deployment. Just long enough to get all the DEERS paperwork done and get her on all the accounts. Guess what - he came home to an empty bank account and empty apartment.

Not to be deterred, a couple of years later, he repeated this process, with similar results.

Not once, but twice. I have no words...
Oh it's quite common... it gets better when she has a kid that he couldn't possibly have fathered (gone for 12 months, she gave birth right before he came home).

Real first name only is fine. don't give them your number, or address. If they meet any of your friends, make sure your friends are good enough friends that they don't give her any of that info.
Also, make sure you have dirt on that friend that he doesn't want getting out.
They'll just pass along that you're into pegging. How do we know that? Ummm, heard it from the last girl you hooked up with. Yeah, that's it.

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