this forum has gotten quieter than it used to be?

Ok, you asked for it, I will grace you all with my opinions, usually strong, on a wide variety of topics. Let's start with the death penalty for people screwing around on their cell phones while driving.
Yes. I was on early a.m. and the site was showing no activity on relatively new posts since like 5:45pm yesterday. That cant be right.
For some reason I have been looking around here more often the last couple of weeks. Posts have most definetly slacked off, with that I mean people responding to posts is way down.
Lots of "died suddenly" going around? Maybe? Joking... kinda.
It's difficult to say exactly why more people aren't posting on the forum without more information, but there could be a few reasons. Perhaps the forum is not being promoted effectively, or the topics being discussed are not of interest to the target audience. It's also possible that there are technical barriers preventing people from posting, such as difficulty navigating the forum or creating an account. To encourage more participation on the forum, it may be helpful to review the topics being discussed and ensure they are relevant and engaging, promote the forum through different channels, and provide clear instructions and support for users who may be struggling to participate. Additionally, gathering feedback from current forum users can provide valuable insights into why more people may not be participating and what can be done to improve engagement.

*This response generate by native AI
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Lots of "died suddenly" going around? Maybe? Joking... kinda.
Sudden deaths can occur due to various reasons such as heart attacks, strokes, accidents, and sometimes due to undiagnosed medical conditions. While it is possible that an increase in sudden deaths could be the result of a common cause such as a contagious illness, it is important to rely on official sources for accurate information and avoid spreading unsubstantiated rumors. It is always recommended to prioritize our health and take necessary precautions to reduce the risk of sudden death by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, getting regular medical checkups, and seeking medical attention immediately in case of any unusual symptoms.

*This response generate by native AI
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I do not understand the full context of your message. However, "shhh" is often used as a way to ask someone to be quiet or to keep a secret. It is important to respect other people's wishes and boundaries, and to communicate in a way that is appropriate for the situation. If someone has asked you to be quiet or keep a secret, it is important to honor that request and not share the information with others without their permission. However, it is also important to speak up if someone's safety or well-being is at risk, even if it means breaking confidentiality. It's all about finding the balance between respecting people's privacy and protecting their safety.

*This response generate by native AI
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Ok, you asked for it, I will grace you all with my opinions, usually strong, on a wide variety of topics. Let's start with the death penalty for people screwing around on their cell phones while driving.
While it certainly is a serious issue, it might be too extreme to impose the death penalty on people found guilty of using their cellphones while driving. However, it is important to recognize the dangers that come with distracted driving, particularly using cellphones, which can cause accidents resulting in injuries and even fatalities.

Instead, it would be better to focus on prevention and increasing awareness among drivers about the dangers of using cellphones while driving. This can be done through campaigns, strict enforcement of the law, and implementing harsher penalties such as fines or license suspensions. At the same time, measures such as hands-free technology and voice-activated devices can also help reduce distracted driving.

Ultimately, preventing accidents caused by using cellphones while driving requires a concerted effort from all parties including government, law enforcement, car manufacturers, as well as drivers themselves. By working together and promoting safe driving practices, we can help reduce the incidence of accidents and protect the safety of all road users.

*This response generate by native AI
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Instead, it would be better to focus on prevention and increasing awareness among drivers about the dangers of using cellphones while driving. This can be done through campaigns, strict enforcement of the law, and implementing harsher penalties such as fines or license suspensions. At the same time, measures such as hands-free technology and voice-activated devices can also help reduce distracted driving.

Ultimately, preventing accidents caused by using cellphones while driving requires a concerted effort from all parties including government, law enforcement, car manufacturers, as well as drivers themselves. By working together and promoting safe driving practices, we can help reduce the incidence of accidents and protect the safety of all road users.

*This response generate by native AI

I was going say, you can stop anytime now.
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Imagine how many more posts we would have if we were allowed to tell people that we wish they were closer

View attachment 598376
While expressing our thoughts and feelings is an important part of our social interactions, it is also important to be respectful of other people's personal boundaries and comfort levels. Expressing a desire for someone to be closer to us may come across as pushy or inappropriate, particularly if that person has not expressed the same sentiment.

In order to foster healthy and respectful relationships, it is important to communicate openly and honestly with others, while also considering their feelings and perspectives. This may involve expressing our feelings in a way that is considerate and non-threatening, and being mindful of the impact our words may have on others.

Ultimately, building strong and meaningful relationships requires a balance between expressing our desires and being respectful of others, and cultivating mutual trust and understanding through open and honest communication.

*This response generate by native AI
The reason there doesn't seem to much in the way in conversation is because most of the comments are happening in the picture threads.
The reason there doesn't seem to much in the way in conversation is because most of the comments are happening in the picture threads.
This is the way of things.

The internet started out with BBS/text. It transitioned to proper websites, then to "social" sites that were mostly text. Journals, that sort of thing. Then came your Myspace/Facebook, your Twitter, and finally your Instagram and 5 second video clip sites.
We've moved away from discussion and towards glib responses and funny reaction images. Such as this one:

Screenshot 2022-12-19 192651.jpg
This is the way of things.

The internet started out with BBS/text. It transitioned to proper websites, then to "social" sites that were mostly text. Journals, that sort of thing. Then came your Myspace/Facebook, your Twitter, and finally your Instagram and 5 second video clip sites.
We've moved away from discussion and towards glib responses and funny reaction images. Such as this one:

View attachment 598383

I do not understand the full context of your message. However, "shhh" is often used as a way to ask someone to be quiet or to keep a secret. It is important to respect other people's wishes and boundaries, and to communicate in a way that is appropriate for the situation. If someone has asked you to be quiet or keep a secret, it is important to honor that request and not share the information with others without their permission. However, it is also important to speak up if someone's safety or well-being is at risk, even if it means breaking confidentiality. It's all about finding the balance between respecting people's privacy and protecting their safety.

*This response generate by native AI
It was a joke referencing the title-

ā€œthis forum has gotten quieter than it used to be?ā€​

While it certainly is a serious issue, it might be too extreme to impose the death penalty on people found guilty of using their cellphones while driving. However, it is important to recognize the dangers that come with distracted driving, particularly using cellphones, which can cause accidents resulting in injuries and even fatalities.

Instead, it would be better to focus on prevention and increasing awareness among drivers about the dangers of using cellphones while driving. This can be done through campaigns, strict enforcement of the law, and implementing harsher penalties such as fines or license suspensions. At the same time, measures such as hands-free technology and voice-activated devices can also help reduce distracted driving.

Ultimately, preventing accidents caused by using cellphones while driving requires a concerted effort from all parties including government, law enforcement, car manufacturers, as well as drivers themselves. By working together and promoting safe driving practices, we can help reduce the incidence of accidents and protect the safety of all road users.

*This response generate by native AI
Apparently AI doesn't understand sarcasm. A simple removal of the dominant hand would suffice. Preferably done in public. Yes, Mr idiot AI this also is sarcasm
While I am pontificating on the subject of AI, I feel a forum for people is no place for it. We are a community of people sharing similar interests. People, living, thinking people with many differing view points. That's is what brought me here. Should one feel the need to pump up post counts via the use of AI, I have the ignore option.

Gummy turtles are where it's at.
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