What’s your Peace?

I was in my happy place on Christmas Eve. All of the kids have moved out over the years, but all live nearby again (one had moved to Virginia for a time). But, on Christmas Eve, we were all together for presents and a nice meal... And "we" now includes a grandson, a son-in-law, and a fiancee. How strange to think that ~30 years ago, we got married and it was just the two of us. But now, we've turned that couple into a family of eight (and counting). Merry Christmas, everyone!
That is very cool. So glad all of your family was able to be together.
Looking back, my peace has changed over the years. When I was a teen/young adult, Scouting was an important part of my life and Camp Raven Knob was like a home away from home. It was always great to go there and get away where there was peace and quiet and time to just think. As I have gotten older, my peace is found in reading, spending time with my mom as she gets older, and the family on the holidays. I've had dogs in the past but my work schedule won't allow for one now. Hopefully, that will change in the future.
We worked all day Friday cleaning house. The grandkids showed up on Saturday night and the house looks like it’s been pushed off the foundation!

See, now in my mind I would think that all the cleaning wasn't worth it.

Not sure I would say it out loud, but I would think it.
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